I find the original post Shallow and Pedantic.
I agree Shallow and Pedantic.
OT: I dont know what it means for Skyrim to be shallow. As far as the complaints are going that Ive seen thus far, I dont agree with many of them. Its mostly just people being trolling perfectionists. It doesnt feel shallow if you take your time, playing an Elder Scrolls game just for the sake of saying you beat the MQ or got all the gamerscore and blah blah blah, well, that takes everything away from the overall experience. I think that Beth did a very good job with the world in the game. And the NPCs feel alive for a change. The faction questlines are fun IMO, albeit, once you do them once, they seem like they fly by considering you know what to do and where to go. the Civil War questlines, now that Ive done both, didnt last as long as I was expecting, but regardless of going there doing this a few times in a row, it still felt like I was actually participating in the Civil War. I havent gone through the main quest all the way, but Ive enjoyed it all the way through as far as Ive gone. All the side quests and misc objectives are keeping me busy enough.
Id like to complain like everyone else, but I dont have any REAL complaints about the game