» Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:44 am
In a game this open, you are free to make the game easy-mode if you want to do.
You can also make the game impossibly difficult.
If its too easy for you, and you aren't having fun that way, do some things to make life harder on yourself.
Impose: "House Rules". They can go a long way to increasing the fun of the game.
For example: My thief has a few house rules.
#1, no crafted armor, only what I find in the world, I can improve non-magic stuff best I can, but no smithing outside of grinding stones and workbenches. No enchanting, no alchemy.
#2: Only illusion magic. Works well for my thief, makes things kinda funny too to anger someone, cast a "calm" on them, then slit their throats, lol.
#3: Only Daggers for melee weapon, Bow and Arrow as primary damage source, no shield.
etc etc
These things can really change the game a lot.