» Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:27 am
suggestions for future TES games:
-more passive wildlife atm we have rabbits, foxes, hawks and elk to hunt.. needs more birds, maybe add lone mammoths or whatnot.
-wild horses and cows and such
-keep smithing but more options are needed, also iron armor should give more xp then iron daggers. ect.
-add the ability to make arrows
-the civil war thing was cool, but once done its done, let there be random attacks on forts and random times you can help attack enemy forts; these can be started by courier telling u whats up and fasttravel or walking to the area
-bigger cities please
-more people in cities please
- taverns should have many drunk and maybe singing and dancing patrons
-the ability to fish and make it fun
-make vampirism cool, make vampires a faction you can join or help out if your a vampire all vampires should be friendly ect.
and the basics that come with any new title
-better graphics, sound, voice acting
-better level scaling system, its better then oblivion but needs more
-prefer a new game engine for new consoles.