Exclusive Weapon Executions

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:39 am

When I saw the 2H Axe Execution on the Dragon in the Gameplay Trailer... I thought I climixed.

Dovah climbed the bastard then was launched upwards and he slammed down on his freaking face, promptly ending his life in possibly the coolest kill animation in this game.

So my first character was a Skyforge Steel Greatsword wielding, Iron Armor clad Breton and when I killed my first dragon I didn't get that animation.He just slashed the dragon's face and then twirled, did a bunny hop and brought down the sword on his face again.

"There's probably more animations than that... I guess I'll have to kill more dragons" thought I.

Killed more dragons, and I did the same lame animation... Never did that one from the trailor.

Took me a while to notice that 2H weapon executions were different with each of the three types, unlike the 1H kill animations which are all the same. But 1H is a way better execution in comparison to the Greatsword dragon execution.

Off topic: Is anyone unnerved to see your character climb a dragon everytime he kills one? I can see even the epic 2H Axe execution getting annoying when every dragon makes the mistake of bucking the Dovahkiin upwards just to remember midway "Wait... This is how that other dragon died... I shouldn't of done that." or even with the 1H execution... Why do dragons let themselves be climbed all the time? You'd think they'd learn.

Anyways. I see that some weapons have specific executions tied to them that I believe would've worked fine for other ones. Can someone make it so everytime you make an execution it randomizes between all of these? Well at least the ones that work.
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:12 pm

I thought it looked corny. That specific ax animation you mention. Then again, about 200 hours and Ive seen only a handful of death animations.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:39 am

For some reason this made me think of spears.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:31 am

For some reason this made me think of spears.

What? I found this sort of funny. Why, though?
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roxanna matoorah
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