Questions about Perks and Combat

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:43 pm

So after getting to level 25 I found that the way i wanted to play was going to be pretty much not possible. So I've decided to start over and have a few questions.

1. When using a 2hander you can block, but do you benefit from the starting improved block perk 5/5 when using a 2hander?

2. Does the "quick reflexes" ability to slow time while blocking apply when using a 2hander?

I know that pretty much all the other perks wouldnt work because obviously they pertain to shields, but im wondering if the first two perks work with the block function for two handers?


I've heard that daggers are not considered one handers...and they receive no bonus from the + damage % to one handers and the - stamina cost % on one hand power attacks while using daggers. And i would assume that also not being considered one handers, they would be excluded from working with the other one handed perks like the decapitation perk and the running power attack double crit dmg perk, and the backward paralysis attack perk...Can anyone give me a 100% confirm or deny on this issue?

I am intending to start a new save gave using a 2handed sword, a dagger for sneak attacks, and a bow. (and then not using magic at all, strictly alchemy, smithing, 2hand, sneak, and some block if it indeed works with 2hand) and just want to make sure this will work like i think it will before i start too far in the story.

Alternativly i might go One hand sword (no shield), dagger, and bow. And then also still wondering if the block perks apply to blocking while holding just one weapon.

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:04 pm

Im stunned to hear a playstyle can't work in a TES game. Why were you playing with the difficulty too high for your old-preferred build if it wasn't woring out Thats the only possible reason it "wouldn't work"
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:02 am

before i was trying to dual wield daggers and use a bow.

i spent many perk points in the dual weilding tree, and to increase one hander hander damage, and to decrease stamina cost for the power attacks while dual wielding daggers, only to find after reading forums that those perk points were'nt working since daggers are not considered one handed weapons..

i got up so high in level and essentially kept wasting my perk points that using dual daggers and fighting the enemies i encountered just wasnt doable.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:17 am

Daggers do get the 100% damage increase from 5/5 Armsman, and they do benefit from Fighting Stance (both can be easily tested and verified). What they don't benefit from is Bladesman, which is a swords perk (daggers instead get Backstab and Assasssin's Blade from the Sneak tree).
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:51 pm

Can anyone tell me about if the "Quick Reflexes" perk in the block tree works while using a single dagger only?

and if it also gains the benefit from the first improved block % perk?
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James Smart
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