Civil War Quests Underwhelming

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:50 am

Hi guys this is my first post on this forum. I just wanna say my first TES game was Oblivion and i really liked it and i am liking Skyrim a lot too.

One of my main gripes about this game is that the Civil War quests feel rather bland. I just finished the Imperial Leigon questline and it felt short and repetitive. The missions were fun but there was really nothing to look forward to. Also once you completed the questline, it felt very insignificant. Most of the changes are aesthetic (replacing town guards with imperial soldiers) and a lot of people still mention an "ongoing war" or don't even change their dialoguesaying the war is over. I just feel that for an event that you felt you had to make a choice right at the beginning and where many NPCs talk about throughout the game, it was done rather poorly
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:33 am

That's Bethesda Game Studios for you.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:02 pm

The unchanging dialogue is by far the worst part, makes it feel hollow and pointless. The fact that there is no real reward is also pretty lame.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:28 pm

it was underwhelming when I realised every fort in the land was occupied by bandits or necromancers.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:44 pm

it was underwhelming when I realised every fort in the land was occupied by bandits or necromancers.

sad thing is that there seem to be more bandits the regular people..
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:55 am

damn guys give Bethesda some credit sheesh. you try and make a 300 hour game without a few flaws
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:54 am

Yeah, it was terribly done with those repetitive missions of killing a bunch of spawning enemies, and then the unsatisfying feeling at the end. I hate that the game ended up this way, but it was just terrible, the story writing/content could've been a ton better. It's partially my own fault for getting my hopes up that it would be better, or on the same level as Oblivion/Morrowind.

Also for those of you that are like "Oh look at this another complaining thread.", just shut up. Because this is a gaming forum where people are meant to voice their opinions, and discuss the game. If you can't respect others opinions then how do you expect them to respect yours?
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:50 pm

the civil war along with the guilds excluding the thief guild were all bland and a let down. it reminded me of AC2 i thought the entire time all those assainations were leading to something epic but it just never happened
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:49 pm

damn guys give Bethesda some credit sheesh. you try and make a 300 hour game without a few flaws

That's an empty argument, I do give Bethesda credit where it is due. The fact is that this is a major part of the game that's nigh pointless.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:07 pm

That's Bethesda Game Studios for you.

Exactly this. I wasn't disappointed because I knew this was gonna happen.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:48 pm

That's an empty argument, I do give Bethesda credit where it is due. The fact is that this is a major part of the game that's nigh pointless.

well i think that they focused more on the Fight with Alduin then the Civil war part
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:41 pm

well i think that they focused more on the Fight with Alduin then the Civil war part

true because it was part of the main story but for an event that seems to be referenced throughout the game it couldve been better. THe Battle of Whiterun probably was the only decent quest....
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:38 pm

damn guys give Bethesda some credit sheesh. you try and make a 300 hour game without a few flaws

Of course we give Bethesda credit for what they do right. But for the quest-line that is the #2 Quest-line in the game, the one most mentioned by NPC's, the one plot point that seems to affect everyone to the point where you can ask most shopkeepers, Jarls, and military figures 'how is the war treating you?' it just can't svck. If they should've put work into anything, it was this!

Ever since Morrowind I had looked forward to joining the Imperial Legion again and rising through the ranks, an option which was inexplicably left out of Oblivion, which took place in the home province of the legion. Then in Skyrim you get shallow, repetitive quests and rewards with absolutely no personality. Right away they let me commission my own set of Imperial Armor in a light/heavy variation, which is great. After that, they're giving me generic longswords and shields scaled to my level. And then, when I at last finished the quest-line, General Tullius gives me the 'honor' of rewarding me his own personal sword. Which by the way, was a Dwarven sword for me - inferior to the Orcish one I had just crafted, improved, and enchanted. Oh and by the way, Tullius wasn't even using the sword he gave me and said was his...must've pulled it out of his-...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:58 am

I started it but didn't bother finishing it, gonna wait for some mods to improve it. The civil war and the whole atmosphere of the civil war is very underwhelming; it starts off climactic and then dies off to an after though. The civil war consists of a bunch of people complaining and sitting around, a bunch of military camps where a bunch of people sit around and do nothing; and a bunch of quests that have you sack forts filled with dozens of the exact same enemies like the clone wars.

I was hoping to see much more epic and large scale battles with diverse opponents "consoles prolly couldn't handle it" and random raids and skirmish's throughout sky rim, which don't occur at all and more political impact. It's the most laid back tame civil war I have ever witnessed.

The game is great but some of the major quest lines could certainly use some improvements.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:11 pm

One of my main gripes about this game is that the Civil War quests feel rather bland. I just finished the Imperial Leigon questline and it felt short and repetitive. The missions were fun but there was really nothing to look forward to. Also once you completed the questline, it felt very insignificant. Most of the changes are aesthetic (replacing town guards with imperial soldiers) and a lot of people still mention an "ongoing war" or don't even change their dialoguesaying the war is over. I just feel that for an event that you felt you had to make a choice right at the beginning and where many NPCs talk about throughout the game, it was done rather poorly

Sadly, this criticism applies almost verbatim to every main questline in this game. :(
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:23 pm

Sadly, this criticism applies almost verbatim to every main questline in this game. :(

this. i really cant knock the civil war because its just as bad as every other questline. i dont expect too much from a TES game in regards to story, but far be it for me to expect a sequel to be better... the questlines in skyrim are worse than oblivion.

worse than OBLIVION! where sean bean steals all your glory, you become head of the mages guild without ever casting a spell, the universe re-writes itself to give you a crappy "headquarters" for the thieves guild, and the dark brotherhood is all but destroyed because you are a mute idiot who couldnt even be bothered to give someone that journal ousting the traitor before he carried out his [censored] plan of attacking a demi-god with a knife in front of her elite assassin council.

fighters guild was alright though :toughninja: .
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:07 am

copy paste quests piss me off sad though it is obsidian couldve handled the imperial vs stormcloaks better that said db was alright companions was too short but intresting college of winterhold was a mess arch mage in two seconds thieves guild was absolutly the best and even though the others svcked compared to it it still had an amazing story for me interwoven with nocturnal but its true having the whole sons of skyrim thing turn out so bland is sad i mean you just killed ulfric stormcloak windhelm needs a new jarl....why cant i be jarl? :intergalactic:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:36 pm

I haven't done it yet, but this is pretty much the only opinion anyone has expressed about the civil war. And seeing as the mages college questline was less than enthralling to say the least... I'm not expecting much any more.

In fact, I usually forget that I'm even the arch mage. It's easy to do, since there's no benefit to being one.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:44 pm

i totally agree. i feel this way about the other quest lines too.

Why is the game this shallow in regards to quests? Is it because its limited by the 7 year old xbox and ps3, or is it because bethesda thought they could get away with it? I find myself waiting for mods moreso than I was with oblivion (6 years ago, our expectations were less).

I expected a game that felt like a 2011-2012 game. But why are these quests less expansive and dynamic than those in other similar games of today?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:08 pm

No questline has any impact on the game. It's incredibly disappointing, given the, in my opinion, really great setting for the war. There are no good or bad sides, every side has their pros and cons, their own agendas. Every possible action would have advantages and disadvantages. But none of that finds its way into the actual questline.
And what's more, no matter what side you chose, it's basically the same damn quest. They are identical, except for the NPCs.

Skyrim really revolves around sidequests and caves. Forget the questlines.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:44 pm

Skyrim really revolves around sidequests and caves. Forget the questlines.

Which is ironic, tragic, and kinda funny, considering. Oblivion was the exact opposite. The caves, dungeons, countryside, and sidequests were all pretty flat and clone-like. It was the guild quests that were the heart and soul of Oblivion. I could have done the thieves guild every time, or the DB, or even the mages guild.

Skyrim... just lost touch with that impact.

I dunno, maybe the pendulum has to swing both ways before the next TES game gets it right.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 am

All you got a was a leveled sword in the last imperial mission.............
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