» Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:13 pm
I think they need to block a considerably higher amount of spell damage than what they currently do. They're much more mana intensive for how much damage they'll prevent in comparison to how much damage can be done with the same amount of mana using destruction spells (And with destruction's damage being what it is, that's saying a lot).
I wish we could have the old fire/frost/shock shield spells back, though, as well as the old shield back ontop of the ironflesh/stoneflesh spells that we have now. Perhaps remove the armor bonus from wards, make shield effectively the same as a ward, but only for physical damage, and then make both spells stronger now that they're more specialized?
Edit: That said, I love the intent of the spell, despite the fact that in practice you're usually better off having something else in your other hand, especially at higher levels and higher difficulties.