I noticed most people are either Mages, Warriors, and some even Thiefs. My two roomates are also playing and ones a Theif and ones a Mage. Since you don't choose a predetermined class like Oblivion and instead let your playing style determine what you are, I stayed true to that without deciding before hand what I wanted to be.
I didn't have a preference for mage v warrior v thief. I chose an Altmer for my race, but for the looks, not perks.
As i played the game, I leveled up and gained perks according to my battle needs (some for entertainment

) rather than trying fit a certain class. I'm now lvl 35 and very proficient in sneaking, dual-weilding weapons, light-armor, archery, conjuration, and about average in destruction, restoration, and enchanting. I'm bad at pickpocketing, alchemy, illusion, alteration, etc. I'm ok at speech and smithing.
I think this style of gameplay is much more rewarding and enjoyable because it reveals your own personal tendencies and battle habbits and also makes for a more well rounded experience rather than trying to fit a mold.