I don't understand the point of Light Armor

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:40 pm

I just found the Blade's armor and decided to switch to that even though I have 3 perks into Light armor already. Can't help it, it just looks SO cool. I don't even know why I put points into Light, when I play a Paladin/Warrior. I guess it's the first armor I started wearing, so I kinda followed that trend. But I'm still only level 20, so no biggie
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:36 pm

I think, one part has to do with the fact, that everybody has to go around quite a lot until reaches the heavy armor perk, that makes them weightless, and until then, they gotta wear something more than just a fancy coat with no armor (unless a mage with enchanting and stoneflesh spells).

Anybody who plays an assassin or thief, they won't put on their class on hold, until they earn the skill level to make their heavy armor weightless and instead just do warrior gamestyle. The funny thing is, even as a thief, you can still keep putting some points into heavy armor, regardless of not wearing it, but then it's not as an effective thief, because he or she was not putting ALL the perks into the thief/assassin class, although later they have the advantage of wearing a heavy armor, which is almost kinda pointless though..since by then, they are efficient killers with one hit or one shot and all the protection of the heavy armor provides is sort of useless.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:18 am

Stamina regen in the light armor tree is amazing. That alone would be reason for me to prefer light over heavy, but then you have the fact that almost all heavy armor looks like some trash some high school metalhead doodled on the back of his algebra notebook while he was bored in class. I'm just not into that over-designed fantasy crap.

DB and Thieves armor looks good. So does some of the fur armor, strangely enough.
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