I have several, fully completed quests, and yet the stupid quest items remain in my inventory and are unable to be dropped or sold.
- A flute and a lute from two bard's quests that even though I returned still sit in my inventory, taking up weight.
- A Runed Lexicon who's owner is dead, and I would like to display it in my house since it looks nice; but it's a damn quest item still.
- A bunch of Unusual Gems that I can't get rid of because I can't even talk to the guy who I need to.
- A whole big stack of "Amulet of Talos" that I fond as RANDOM [censored] LOOT but for some reason are marked as quest items and I can't drop or sell.
Just to name a few. All-in-all, I have over 150 pounds of items that have weight and can not be removed from my iventory.
The worst part is that almost all these quest items HAVE WEIGHT! If you're going to force some piece of [censored] into my inventory that I can't rid myself of, unless it's a CURSED ITEM, it should have 0 weight. I am gonna find myself completely over burdened by STUPID BROKEN QUEST ITEMS before long and not have room for ACTUALLY USEFUL EQUIPMENT!
I liked it better when I could sell something I didn't know was a quest item. It's not like most of the time you couldn't tell something was used for a quest by it's name or appearance. Instead of holding my hand telling me "this is important, so you'll hang onto it even if you have no clue WHY it's important" you could have simply made quest items not "disappear" from a vendor's inventory or a respawning chest if you sold it/left it somewhere. Here's hoping the Thanksgiving patch will correct these issues. If not, then thank God for mods.