» Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:27 pm
I know the feeling, I learned just how poorly stealth characters can do when their one advantage is no longer in play for them.
Generally, get yourself any gear and potions that add resistance to fire and frost, for their breath attacks. And until you've at least taken a perk or two in increasing damage reduction for your preferred armor class, don't try to wade in for the melee unless you like seeing how your character looks in a dragon's mouth.
Stay out of their range and pelt with arrows, use the terrain to your advantage if you can (and if are on open plain with no cover...run like hell). You can also try kiting the dragons to nearby towns with lots of guards to add support.
Stealth characters generally have to rely on being more strategic and inventive on the fly with fighting encounters like this, because without being able to drop out of sight and re-enter "Hidden" status, they have to fight in a way that emphasizes their every disadvantage. Makes victory ever the sweeter, though.