So......this new update did absolute jack ****? I still can't enter Markarth without repeat dialogue from the guards, I can't complete the Mage Guild quest because I can't focus that lens because it won't ******* move a dam thing. And the Blood on Ice quest where you have to investigate a death the wife is dead so you can't get a key. What did this update do aside from nothing? Make it look prettier? The Bugs that were there before the update are still here. WTF?
The update served only to replace and encrypt the game executable so that Skyrim could not be launched without Steam running, which was inadvertently possible with the original release. This is also a "weather you want it or not" update so a fresh install just through validating will replace the exe.
I heard mention of that one being to fix a stutter issue if savegames were over a certain size. Not having a PS3 myself, I didn't look into it. Either way, the patch hasn't been released yet.