» Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:18 am
Daggers do significantly more stealth damage once certain perks are taken, and I'm pretty sure they have higher base stealth damage than swords anyway. Daggers also (obviously) swing much faster than any other melee weapon available, so they can be good for quickly putting down foes that have already been weakened by archery/magic.
From what I've noticed, alchemy starts off slowly but skyrockets as soon as you learn most of the ingredients' effects. If you're playing a stealth character, then poisons and health potions are the order of the day.
As for tips, most of them are rather obvious. Stick to the shadows as much as possible, and extinguish any light sources you can (ie. grabbing torches from walls). Poisons can also be quite useful, and their versatility can seriously help in combat situations. Fighting a mage? Hit them with a poison that stops mana regeneration or drains it entirely. Fighting a huge warrior? Hit them with some frostbite venom or with a potent poison to level the playing field.
Opinions on armour vary from player to player. The heaviest you want to get playing stealth is wearing all light armour. Heavy armour is obviously worthless if you're trying to sneak past anything more powerful than a skeever. Clothes can also work, or a mix of light armour/clothing if you are so inclined.