NVDLC03HologramTemplate -> \Data\textures\nvdlc01\armor\starlet\starletheadholomaster.dds is required for textures in the Override folder. Setting model to starlet, enabling the starlet idle animation (mtidle_starlet)
When the player reads the note on the terminal:(runs on NVDLC03SLHologramTerminal)
resetquest VDLCPackQuest ;this crap quest is now used for base game <-> dlcs connection, at least serves some real purpose nowsetstage VDLCPackQuest 3
VDLCPackQuest is modified thru base game mod, which consists of base game, NVDLC01 and all promo dlcs injected into base game thru my mod. So I basically have direct access to pretty much everything with the exception of DLC02-DLC05. VDLCPackQuest stage 3 now does the following:
disableplayercontrolsplayer.setpos x 1091.84player.setpos y 2424.56player.setpos z 7326.48player.setangle x -5.34player.setangle z 287.55ChristineInvisibleTalkerREF.moveto player 96 ;move an invisible talker with femaleuniqueChristine voice to player)stopquest VDLCPackQuest
ChristineInvisibleTalker runs the following script:
BEGIN onLoadentertrigger player ;delay by a frame until 3D data is loadedENDBEGIN onTriggerEnter playerif getstage VDLCPackQuest == 3setpos x 895.99 ;move the talker to the hologram, I put er next to the Vera poster, didnt like her on the stairssetpos y 2592.62setpos z 7441.23setangle x 35.78setangle z 125.05sayto player NVDLC01StarletHolotapeAudition 1endifENDBEGIN SayToDone NVDLC01StarletHolotapeAuditionset rLinked1 to VendorContainerOldLadyGibsonREF.getlinkedref ;X8MedicalSaw03REFset rLinked2 to rLinked1.getlinkedref ;NVDLC03HologramBREFrLinked2.SetNPCRadio 1 NVDLC01RadioStationREF ;NVDLC03HologramBREF will now speak the NVDLC01 casino broadcastenableplayercontrolsmoveto vCountryRadioREF ;warp the invisible talker back to his editor locationEND
Also, a bug in this area: if player bumps into the force field protecting the looping helmet, the helmet drops to the floor. Sux! Fixed like this, running in NVDLC03HologramBeamTriggerSCRIPT:
BEGIN onLoadset fXPos to NVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.getstartingpos xset fYPos to NVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.getstartingpos yset fZPos to NVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.getstartingpos zset fXAngle to NVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.getstartingangle xENDBEGIN GameModeif fZPos != NVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.getpos z ;positions stay the same even if player picks up the object, but she can't grab it or knock it down any longerNVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.setpos x fXPosNVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.setpos y fYPosNVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.setpos z fZPosNVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.setangle x fXAngle ;angle x is now 15, all other angles 0, looks better this wayNVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.setangle y 0NVDLC03HelmetLoopREF.setangle z 0endifEND