I was prepared to dismiss this idea out of hand but, after some thought, I think some form of your suggestions might actually increase my use of the Survival skill. I've given the skill a go as it currently stands and have found that it just doesn't suit my play style at all. Currently, I just don't get any real enjoyment from collecting the materials to use at campfires and the perks presently associated with Survival don't really appeal to me, with the possible exceptions of Rad Child and Rad Resistance. Oh, it's not that all of the Survival perks aren't in some way useful, it's just that for my style of play, there are others in other Skill categories which I find more useful.
However, building a bit on your suggestions and those of Momaw ... specifically, crafting armour from skins ... having the ability to make use of maybe some sort of revised schematic idea similar to that in Fallout 3 in order to make "survival-type" weapons out of the debris found in the Wasteland would go a long way in to making more use of the Survival skill. I find the idea of being able to craft armour from creature skins especially appealing as it would allow the player to get something of an even more customized look (important to those of us who play a lot in 3rd person) as well as providing a pretty cool diversionary game mechanic.
There are a few things I'm not sure about, though.
Primarily, traps. What is hampering my agreement is that I find the current system of aligning traps to the Repair skill to be very logical. It makes perfect sense to me that since the traps in FO:NV are mostly mechanical in origin (with the exception of grenade cluster wire traps) that they should be governed by Repair. I'm not sure how I would feel about having the ability to disarm these traps (a game mechanic I enjoy greatly) reassigned to Survival. I guess it might work if there were a separation in trap types; say, assign mechanical traps to Repair and other, more primitive wire-base traps to Survival. It's a thought, anyway, especially since disarming landmines is (logically, I think) assigned to Explosives and somewhat sets a basis for the idea.
Also, I really wouldn't at all like lumping actions such as hacking and lockpicking into a single Security skill. If anything, I think that lockpicking should be aligned with Repair ... again, because of the mechanical aspect involved. Having hacking aligned to Science makes perfect sense. There is a vast difference in the ability required to hack a computer terminal versus picking a mechanical lock. Now, if the majority of the locks in NV were electronic, then that would be entirely different.
I have to admit that having throwing weapons governed by Survival does seem somewhat logical, especially since I think the related perk is Cowboy (?) but I don't make much use of them so I'm hardly in a position to speculate.

I do think that if any "silent weapons" such as bows and arrows were introduced (which I think would be logical as such weapons would certainly be used widely in a post-apocalyptic world) then they should be aligned to Survival, especially if they were crafted by the player from materials found in the Wasteland. But, at the same time, that would bring up the idea of more mechanical versions of such weapons: i.e. crossbows and such, as Defaulted mentioned. I think that the main reason these types of weapons haven't shown up in the games is because they don't really go with the 50's type Sci-Fi feel that Fallout goes for. :shrug:
Anyway, I voted "Yay" as I think that some version of your suggestions is workable.