Observations and Suggestions

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:01 am

I have played Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall and I have to say that (for the most part) the games have steadily improved since then. I have to say that content wise, Morrowind has been my favorite; Skyrim, however, is a close second. The immersion is significantly better than Oblivion, and I didn't feel at all like there was any kind of level grind with the new perk feature (plus the levels came significantly more naturally). The weapon skill groups were way better too in my opinion with the perks adding the specialization, much more manageable and probably cut down on a lot of pointless code. Another thing... I have no idea why people have a problem with fast travel. SCREW Morrowind's travel means. It was realistic, but incredibly frustrating; fast travel is great, but Skyrim improved it by making you have to travel to each of the main cities at least once before you could fast travel there. Plus, I hardly have to mention the graphics. These were a few of the more obvious things that stuck out that I really felt were well done about the game, so I'll move on to suggestions/criticisms.

Menus. The menus killed me. They're a bit laggy, they're cumbersome, they're randomly organized and the containers don't have broken down sections either. The new menu is way more aesthetically appealing (albeit the classic look was, well, classic) at first, but the novelty of it goes away almost immediately when I'm digging through trying to find my items. I do have a couple suggestions that would make it a bit more manageable though.

+ Customizable armor groupings: Stealth, Combat, Merchant, , etc.
When I am sneaking through a ruin I've got on my double sneak attack gloves (Jester's, Shrouded Handwraps, Ancient Handwraps) and anything that increases bow damage for long range sneak attacks... but if I get caught I've gotta switch over to my combat gear (raises armor, combat, health, resistance, etc.) and my weapons usually change too. Yeah, I know, its only a few extra seconds of looking, but it happens so frequently it would be kinda nice to have a quicker switch (the favorite menu was a good idea, but even that gets crowded quick).

+Storage Devices Sub-sets: This one is kinda a small one, but why do the chests, end tables, etc. not have sub groups? I imagine it would be easy to patch that, but I don't know exactly how the program was written so I won't say that for sure.

+Manikins Holding a weapon: Just a thought, it completes the ensemble. No big deal either way, really.

+Morrowind Style Armor: Individual left and right gloves and pauldrons, helm, cuirass, greaves, boots, and a difference between round and tower shields.
It would allow for a bit more customization, sacrifice a little armor here for a special bonus there... etc. I know everyone is asking for it, and I know it makes things more complicated and difficult for some players... but seriously, some people could use a bit of thinking haha

+Pickpocketing Stats: Gold shouldn't count as an individual item for the stats menu
Maybe people have a coin purse in their inventory and that counts as one item? Its small but its a thought.

Let me sort, organize, and control my inventory. Maybe locking in my favorite items so I don't accidentally sell them (or make it to where buy back prices are the same as sell prices until after I leave the menu). Little things, nothing big, the items menu was just a little frustrating in earnest.

+Investing: Instead of taking a cut every week or so, maybe get a price % bonus?
Instead of a flat rate, maybe investing is based on how much money they already have? Invest 500 with someone who has 1000, but someone who has 2000 would cost 1000 for you to get a 5/10% bonus? Nothing huge, but a little percentage is reasonable. Or a flat rate investment (all 500) but your percentage is smaller with someone who has 2000 than with 1000. Again, a small thing.

+"Stolen" Quest Items: Shill quest items don't disappear from NPC Inventories
Because they don't ever actually get arrested, you can get assigned the same NPC twice... that's fine, pay a fine or serve a stint in jail and you're back. Reasonable. But shouldn't the item have at least been confiscated? I mean, I don't mind the free money from selling back old shill items... but it kinda interrupted the immersion factor.

+Shill Murders: Just a random suggestion
Quest giver gives you a dagger or a bow to kill someone with, when you do item turns into "Murder Dagger" (or something less cliche)... then drop an item in someone's inventory or chest at home and then alert the guards with a random tip. Watch them get arrested or not, doesn't matter. Both NPCs could be randomly generated for the quest specifically so it doesn't really affect the cities in any significant way. Not in love with this, it just popped in my head while I was writing the previous suggestion. Oh yeah, if you get caught killing the person you fail the quest, because clearly pawning off a murder on someone else won't fly if you've already been caught for doing it.

+Gold: Some kind of active use for it
I have no suggestions, I just think it stock piles waaaaay too quickly. I wasn't even half way through the Theive's guild questline when I had enough to buy the most expensive house and all its frills. Then I couldn't really think of any other usage for my money. I never had to spend money on armor or weapons (their inventories were all a bit crappy anyway), spending money on skill-ups is kinda pointless, inns are pointless, marriage was free (HA!) and other items weren't really useful.

+Apothecary Stations: Ingredient bag on each one and a chest nearby for potions (at least in the homes)
Makes it easier to store ingredients to do mass alchemy sessions (when you've got Theives Stone/Lover's Bonus and have all your alchemy increasing armor on). Seems like a pretty easy addition imo, I could be wrong though.

+Scaled Guard Awareness: Just like combat scaling
Low levels for people who just want to blow through it (or when you've done something 100 times and are ready to give up) and higher levels where NPCs are significantly more aware of your shenanigans for people who want a challenge. I mean bandits really don't notice when I'm standing IMMEDIATELY behind them and unsheathing my dagger? Or that guard doesn't notice when I (rather noisily) slit someone's throat right next to them? Or here's a weird one... everyone notices that I shoot an arrow when I'm 15 yards away from them, but when I shoot THEM with the arrow they run around in circles for a minute and then say "I guess it was nothing" when I hide well. No... that arrow sticking out of the side of your head is absolutely nothing. lol Maybe I'm being picky here, but it would make stealth missions potentially more challenging. Just a thought. I must say though, WAY better than the two-tone guards who are simultaneously omniscient and clueless.

+Breath Bar: Seriously, I have no idea how long I have. I don' t think that's a hard one to ask for haha

Some Perks:

+Auto Sneak Kill on Humanoids: scaled maybe? instead of 15x sneak bonus, level 1/2/3/4/5 kills up to 5/10/15/20/25 humanoids?
+Silent Bow/Sword: Swings/executions with these make no noise

These were just some I came up with while I was playing and decided to throw them out there. I've only played through as an assassin/thief so I don't really know too much about the magic/heavy armor side of things yet. I'll probably add more suggestions after I play through on those. Some are for future Elder Scrolls (I hope it continues, but I know everything must eventually end) and some could potentially be hot patches.

Thanks for dealing with my obsessive habit and reading through this haha
-Jack Melentolos
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Jenna Fields
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