» Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:38 pm
Only followers you can marry can be your companions in dungeon delving and adventuring.
If your spouse is just an ordinary person, that's what they will be regardless of your marital status with them.
All married spouses will make a "shop" function wherein you can collect your share of whatever earnings.
I married Borgakh the Steel Heart. She was originally my companion, but then I made her my wife.
On top of that, I've found that the shop function stays the same, no matter what. Even better, the amount accumulates, so you don't even have to ask after it every day. You can come back a month later, and bam, a month's worth of earnings. And with Borgakh, I can adventure to my heart's content, and just ask her for whatever money the shop has made when I do need a little extra coin.