To me it seems like there really is no use for the dragons in the Endgame content. Once the Main quest has been completed and you have maxed out your blacksmith skill and made dragon armor there is not really a use for dragons. They sometimes become annoying to me when I am doing other quests. I know it was intended to have them be random and by all means the game was meant to have them. What I am suggesting is that they have an option after the last quest let you Banish the Free roam unscripted dragons. Like keep the ones at the mountain spawn points but make the unscripted ones leave. Either that or take it and make the Dragon souls more worth while by expanding their use. If you have all shouts and all 3 sections under each shout you have no use for dragon souls or dragons. Make the dragon souls the HIGHEST TIER of soul to be absorbed and make them useful for enchanting weapons and armor or something. All I'm asking for is options.
Basically in short, give us an option Bethesda for removing the unscripted Dragons or make them more useful. Do something with the souls and let us make higher level tier enchants with their souls or something. I know Im not the only one that gets annoyed of constant dragon attacks. And in no way do I say remove ALL dragons, just the random ones. Make them useful in the endgame content.