» Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:00 am
The quest is bugged simply because most people cannot start it, including myself. Windhelm is the last city I have yet to purchase a house in, and it's all because I cannot start this quest. All in good time, it will happen I suppose. Just try and be patient. And Zaraco, you have been lucky enough to have found it in the first place, so you were aware of the quest and have been able to be on the lookout for it each and every time you had the ability to do so. Those of us who were not aware of how this quest chain started are not able to start it until it is fixed. It appears that if you "missed the crime scene" to start with, then it doesn't reappear. Give yourself a pat on the back for being able to do this not only once, but multiple times. Good job to you, but please don't patronize the rest of us for not being able to be so "lucky."