There was a lonely guard, patrolling the eastern road around Whiterun.
I was in a killing mood and decided to test my new 2 Daedric swords.
I ran up to him, cut him down quite easily, yet i got a bounty!
I thought to myself; WTF(see what I did there?

I looked around, and behind me was a chicken.... No one else, just a chicken.
So who was the witness?! It couldn't be a chicken now could it?
I took out my blades again and murdered the chicken in cold blood, which resulted in me getting the message:"Last witness killed etc...."
again... I thought to myself: WTF! (this time with exclamation mark!)
What has the world gone to? Dragons, People shouting all around and now Witnessing animals! CRAZY I TELL YA.
I just wanted to warn all you criminals out there, Watch out for the chickens of Skyrim! They are more clever than you think!