» Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:52 pm
this is a great game with no horrible flaws, but with a game this big there are always going to be some things that are rather annoying
1.Dialogue: a lot of the npcs will only speak to you in a one-way, one sentence "conversation"-this becomes especially annoying when it is a comment that invites further inquiry or is repeated way too often ie.-"i used to be an adventurer like you then i took an arrow in the knee" or a statement that is totally out of context- a kid saying they're not scared of a hulking warrior wearing full daedric armor or a guard taunting the thane of whiterun, a high ranking member of the imperial legion, and the dragonborn "what, did someone steal your sweetroll?"-not to mention they will be on your @ss in 2 seconds if you steal a sweetroll and someone reports it
2.Water: you cant fight underwater, you can fall into water at any height and avoid injury-i jumped off the top of the college of winterhold into 5 feet of water and was fine, and a few times they forgot to program the water so it looks like you are swimming through thin air
3. Dragons: i find dragon slaying gets a little too easy once a high level melee character gets dragonrend-i can kill most dragons with a couple hits-i know i can change the difficulty but i dont want to do that every time i fight a dragon as i like the current dificulty level in all other aspects of the game-i just find that it takes a lot away from the immersion if you can kill a dragon in a couple hits
These things take away from the immersion of a game that is probably the most immersive i have played- again i love this game but it does have a few problems