1. Favorites should have multiple favorites options. (example) up for potions...left for weapons...right for magic/shouts...and down for items...or something like that. Even though I try not to have too many favorites I still seem to have a fairly big list of them. yes I know that this is the price I pay for playing the console version but, this could be made a little easier/better.
2.Applies to both Inventory and Favorites. Organization, organization, organization!...Sure everything is in alphabetical order but my main problem is with the potions. When you have dozens of potions that start with "potion of " you sure have a lot of potions to scroll through. I would LOVE to be able to group my healing potions, resistance potions, poison potions etc... all together. playing on a consol has plenty of handicaps but the lack of being able to personalize my inventory order is a handicap that really shouldn't be there to begin with. Am I asking too much? I don't think so.