unique habits you developed in skyrim

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:41 am

Because of one particular barrow and a horrible number of traps I found there; I now hug walls; I won't walk down a corridor in the middle, especially if my opponent is running away. I watch for unique tiles; foot traps, ect. :ooo:

I do this too. But even if I miss one, traps aren't very lethal this time around unless you walk into a whole series of them or get really damaged by them, then be forced to fight something.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 am

I also collect any Nirnroot I see. For some reason I think it's special. :tongue:

What!? Are they not special? I always go out of my way to collect those. Once found a farm growing them, a whole field full of Nirnroot!
Have a bunch of them in my house now, waiting for them to become usefull for something awesome :)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:25 am

Any companions i dont have to pay for get decked out in gear. I almost never bring them along but when i decide to they'll be tough.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:41 am

1. I collect all the Nirnroot I see (thank the Oblivion quest for that)
2. I take EVERYTHING out of a dungeon and sell it later, even if it takes me multiple trips. (I have accumulated 300,000 gold since I started playing)
3. I complete at least one, if not two, side quests before even continuing the main quest line.
4. I collect at least one of each type of armor/weapon and keep them in my house which leads me to...
5. I get a house as quickly as possible (first goal) to store all my random collections
6. I have a compulsion about collecting EVERY book (I printed a checklist) on every character
7. I harvest every alchemy ingredient if I recognize them.
8. I keep several pairs of armor on me at all times... you know, in case I need to sneak kill someone... or in case I get caught... or in case I have to spontaneously sell something.
9. I have 6000 iron arrows, I never use them... but I feel terrible selling them or leaving them behind somewhere... they're zero weight!
10. On my murderer characters I keep one "trophy" from each character I murder. Yes, I'm sick, I know. O.O
11. I refuse to sell off my gems... THEY'RE MINE! (I also keep them in a special container)

That's all I can remember off hand. Yay for unchecked compulsions and disorders!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:53 pm

I dont kill animals but will soon start doing so for roleplaying realism when it comes to hunger and eating.

I dont kill enemies who runaway or cower in submission.

I dont steal from shrines.

I dont interrupt a person while they are praying in a temple or shrine.

I dont collect nirnroot. I consider it part of the magic of the land.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:53 pm

I give arrows to the knee


Almost all of my characters use some form of archery as of Skyrim.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:11 pm

Any companions i dont have to pay for get decked out in gear. I almost never bring them along but when i decide to they'll be tough.

I do this also. Lydia is sitting in Breezehome wearing all ebony armor, including the quest reward Ebony Mail, an ebony shield and sword, all are upgraged to epic. And when I start getting daedric stuff she'll be wearing that. And I almost always fight alone.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:49 am

I clean my house.

Something got knocked off a table? I'll pick it up and put it back. I put all the food neatly on the plates and make everything look nice (which recently led Jordis to ask me "Why are you doing that?" and then hand me a goblet that I had "dropped").

Of course, living with a housecarl and a spouse pretty much means that stuff gets knocked down a lot.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:28 pm

Walking, seriously. I walked from Whiterun to Orphan Rock and it took me almost three hours. Three awesome hours. I explored a lot on my way.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:17 pm

Oh I have another, if I'm sneaking and there is a torch sconce nearby I take the torch out so I feel like I'm hiding in the shadows... even though the NPCs are relatively dumb and its completely unnecessary haha

I also dispose of every body, if there's no water, I hide the body someplace difficult to find and dark. Without fail. >.> No tracks.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:47 am

Finds Cave
*saves game*
Enters cave
*Saves game*
Kills first two mobs
*Saves game*
Dies on the last boss
*curses for not saving right before him, forgets to do it again*

Oh me too I always feel so OCD about my save games:clap:
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:06 am

I take most food I find, and if it's a pie, I will even steal it. I don't care if I get caught.
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:30 am

- Save before opening any door, entering any area or talking to any quest relevant npc (real save, no quick save).
- Trying to lure draugr in traps.
- Intentionally stepping on every rune and beartrap i see...
- Put myself under every waterfall just to see if there might be something behind it.
- Buying all grand soul gems i see (i might need them someday).
- Summoning an atronarch every 30sec while wandering around several feet before me just to be safe.
- Throwing atronarchs like grenades before entering a room.
- End up stuck in a room and have to recast the atronarchs somewhere else.
- Basejumping from every mountain (ethereal shout)...sometimes the shout ends before i reach the ground.
- ...and many more i guess.
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:06 am

Well, I'm a compulsive saver. Almost 100 hours in, and I've saved almost 900 times. You just have to make sure, you know? It's like every save is a precaution for death or lock ups.

If I'm ever elevated and I kill someone, I have to throw them over the ledge. It's just one of those things.

When I'm not in a rush, I always take my armour off when I go into towns, and put on clothes.

I never use my companions. I feel like I'm saving them for a special moment, and Lydia has been sitting in my house for over a hundred days.

I have the urge to collect Nirnroot for no reason, also due to the Oblivion quests. I keep thinking it's special, and I have it laying throughout my house.

I have to have everything organised in my house. I have a place dedicated to jewelry, crafting materials, clothing, armour. I even have a special area in my Breezehome for weapons. I have a full Elven and Orcish set lined up on the table, with whatever else fitting around it.

I feel like I HAVE to get every book I haven't read and take it back to my house to make a big collection.

There's more, but this is some of them. I have issues too. Don't worry guys, we aren't alone.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:23 pm

it started in oblivion, but i look at containers... all of them, i flip pots upside down and stuff and everything... help.

Rofl, I do this too. Was worse in Fallout games though, cause they almost always put decent loot under a pan or something. Probably why I do it in Skyrim
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:02 pm

Nothing in Skyrim, but in FO3, I had to pick up every coffee mug. EVERY SINGLE ONE! I left the Enclave HQ not with plasma rifles and armours, but a backpack chock full of coffee mugs. When I saw their dining room, it was like a dream come true.

Did you know (IIRC), there's over 1,000 in the game?
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:58 pm

Things I do by habit: oh dear

-Save after entering every single dungeon
-in said dungeon, save if I have walked down more than 1 flight of stairs
-save if I have spent more than 10 minutes in said dungeon and been killing the whole time
-Save before I enter a room that I feel there is a boss
-Save save save
-Horde arrows like the gods depended on them, because I certainly do
-curse myself for not buying more arrows when I run out
-I always use Aura of Whisper to find where my enemies are
-sneak up to open coffins and stab dormant draugrs just to avoid fighting them
-Walking a road, if I see a group ahead of me at night I hide my horse behind some rocks and sneak up close enough to see if they are friend or foe
-if I cannot sneak up to them I summon a dremora close enough that foes would attack
-Save when a dragon flies overhead, just in case my horse gets roasted
-always dive under a waterfall looking for treasure
-Steal or buy every sweetroll
-Ditto with gems
-Thalmar patrols die
-Any prisoners regardless of affiliation gets released
-I stash jewels like a pirate, never ever sell them
-Horse and house in every city possible
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:05 pm

If I see a dead fox just laying there while I'm traveling or if I see some superior predator kill a fox, I will reanimate the corpse out of pity and let it follow me lol :)
Poor foxes :(
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:30 pm

I stash all gems on a table in my house. Looks very pretty hehe! Oh and also dynamo cores of dwemer giant thingies. They glow red :)! I equip every mannequin i have with my best not used armor (its a shame that they cant hold weapons!) i put unique weapons on my Weapon racks, wall plates or showcases. Solitude has some nice displays and the butchers house in markath too. I collect blade blades. Dont know why but i like the katanas. I always have one torch with me just for the effect (like alduins wall where the two have a torch hah i had one too... bad thin gwas it was too bright at the wall with all 3 torches lol) I try to lure draug into the traps. I am always buying lockpicks where ever i see them at a store. I have 390 lockpicks now ... never gonna use them up. I pick up every book i find ...! And thanks to oblivion ... the nirnroot ... just .... have .... to ..... pick ..... them up.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:54 am

I always loot arrows, always loot every dragon, I always kill dragons with unreleting force, always use UF on enemies by ledges and disarm on Draugr that shout, always crouch "kneel" before shrines of talos and kyne and in front of ulfric before speaking to him, always kill every thalmor I see unless quests prevent it, I always pick nirnroot (thanks to oblivion) I always shout at butterflies, any time I'm on a cliff, I use ethereal form and jump off. I collect one of everything, except the Arcturian Heresy, I hate that book. Talos is Talos not Wulfharth and Tiber septim dammit!
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