I see it as abuse, sitting in the same spot for about and hour, grinding crafting skills for the sole purpose of making an op character, i played on expert on my first character, not knowing/paying attention that every crafted item gives the same amount of exp, save alchemy, and it was a very fun and challenging playthrough.
Thats not how the game was intended to be played, and it isnt why the difficulty is as hard as it was intended to be.
Actually I didnt sit in one spot and do any of that. I collected stuff I saw, bought a few things from people when they didnt have enough money to buy what I was selling and I still got there through a 'natural' progression of gameplay. Even Alchemy which is supposed to be so hard, I had a ton of mats left over after I made 100. And I mostly leveled with 3 ingredient potions to make them worth as much money as I could.
leveling smithing is so easy its a joke. Kills osme animals get some hie turn them into leather, mine soem iron or whatever make dgagers and enchant them (raising enchanting) or make hide/leather armor and enchant them or not. People echant daggers ebcause they are worth more than clothing I would say. But same difference.
if your mining and killing animals then smithing is not going to be any challenge. Enchanting is the same thing, It doesnt take many enchants to level. I think I had a total of 250 enchants when I got to 100. So while enchanting 250 things might not be 'natural' to some people, it is if theyre trying to make money (without console commands).
Even on my first play through and not knowing any 'tricks' or anything that guy is at 60 alchemy and 95 smithing and 85 enchanting. At level 37. Just from doing 'normal' things. And I would say that at hthose numbers i could, if I perked in those trees, be pretty OP. That guys is basically a one hand user but I perked in speechcraft and restoration magic to self heal. And on expert the game is pretty easy. Little tough on master, but I am only wielding a 45 damage ebony sword, and my armor is 'only' epic and less than 400 rating. And I dont have any enchants on the armor yet. So with no perks to speak of in one hand damage or even heavy armor master difficulty is fairly challenging, but with a couple enchants a daedric sword it would probably be too easy. So with no perks and just improved armor and improved weapon I could play on master difficulty with little fear. On a toon that is obviously 'built' in a non 'military' way. That tells me master isnt hard enough.