Difficulty - Too easy?, vote here for a Harder "slider&#

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:02 pm

Mods coming to consoles?

From twitter "Bethblog Bethesda Blog
@Iridal_Trout modding is PC only"

No, I am not Iridal_trout either.. I doubt it's going to happen though.

Did you see the link ? http://www.computerandvideogames.com/309533/skyrim-mod-tools-could-come-to-consoles/
It's not official, his tweet was correct...
However, Bethesda know that this is a console game, and 90% of gamers play this game on console, so 90% of people dont get to see the game as fantastic as it could be. (harder and such)...
So Bethesda WANTS to beable to push a deal so that we see these tools on consoles in the future. And it saves them time from patching the game and making it harder. We can do it now!
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:05 pm

This game definatly needs a harder setting, and why oh why doesnt a dragon know more of its own language, ive only incountered the originallity of a fire and ice breathing dragon, if we can get a shout shouldnt they start the game with it, i personally think that it would be awesome to fight a dragon and have creatures summoned to fight by the dragons side, or have the dragon go etherial to recoup lost health
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:54 pm

Listen to you guys, your giving me perameters to make the game hard. I have been on master since the start. It has been hard in the first 50 hours for sure!....

The problem is, I achieved Ultimate power as if I turned GOD made ON. So the cheat code for god mode is, level up? And I havn't even reached max power. I cna enchant the crap outa things, and make potions to become even strong. That is, if one shotting things couldnt be easy enough. Rather than saying, play the game unarmed and dont use smithing. I say, give me a far more challanging difficulty. Like cmon, The HARDEST ememy takes 5 wacks, and an entire town cannot kill me while im having dinner...

This should not be possible unless I chose to put the difficulty on easy mode. And I specifically remember putting it on master at level one!... The game went from almost impossible, to not being able to lose if I tried. There was a point where it may have been balanced, but I kept on going as the game let me. Now it's my fault and I made the game easy, for not picking the proper level to stop advancing?!
That makes no sence at all. To STOP leveling in skyrim cause it becomes to easy... Nice soluction to making the game hard guys.

When you guys finally crawl over that hump from it being super hard, to being super easy, what will you do for a challange? The answer then becomes; the player made a mistake by not identifying when the game started getting easy and they really should have stopped leveling there?!

All I am asking for is a Grand Master setting cause I 1 hit everything in the game. And you guys here think that's a BAD IDEA? It wouldn't HURT you guys to have a difficulty, hell you guys are struggling on the easiest setting, MASTER!..... Having a Grand master would make you feel like a peon? It wouldn't effect you, and hell, Id beable to have a 5-10 swing fight without playing at level 10 unperked for 200+ hours of a game....

Man, why do people troll me, when the Grand Master setting wouldn't even effect there play, This thread wasn't about making the game harder for you guys who svck at RPG's..... Jebus!

I like the people who complain about the game being too easy when they abuse crafting.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 am

I like the people who complain about the game being too easy when they abuse crafting.

"abuse' crafting? How? Its in the game that way.

Master should probably be impossible WITHOUT doing all the crafting 'tricks'. Which would probably make it impossible until you hit level 30 at least. Or when you had enough points to make some seriously OP armor and weapons. Would that kill the game? Not really, since you can change the settings anytime you want you start out at a difficulty that canbe completed. Then as the games gets easier you raise the difficulty. Now the game should probably do that on its own, which is sort of does but not nearly enough. With the 'right' perks put into whatever skills you use then the crafting 'abuse' isnt even necessary. Just make a normal set and upgradig it without potions or gear is enough. Adding magic, HP, and or stamina without enhancements is also mor e than enough.

IMO the first level of difficultly should be for total beginners, Adept should be for people with experience in th games and also maybe be themax setting for guys who wear looted stuff or can smith along the way. Expert should be difficult enough to make smithed gear and echanted stuff REQUIRED, and Master should be impossible without the highest level of smithed and encchanted gear. But it isnt anywhere near that hard. I suppose peopel would ocmplain if it was. But doing something on an 'expert' or 'master' setting should require a few things. There are ways to make it harder, some have been mentioned. I doubt it gets that attention.

But as it stands now playing on Expert and wearing looted gear and perking in the 'right' areas keeps it semi challenging. if you start enhancing gear though smithing and enchanting then the curve goes downhill really fast, it just doesnt take muc in those areas to make the game way too easy.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:48 pm

I have been playing on Expert, a Spell Sword type, I never bothered with enchanting and I have all sorts of challenging hair trigger battles. Is it because I am a craptacular player? I tried master and got owned, alot.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:16 am

This mod really makes it harder, but not in a way that works for all builds -- http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1269
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:51 am

"abuse' crafting? How? Its in the game that way.

Master should probably be impossible WITHOUT doing all the crafting 'tricks'. Which would probably make it impossible until you hit level 30 at least. Or when you had enough points to make some seriously OP armor and weapons. Would that kill the game? Not really, since you can change the settings anytime you want you start out at a difficulty that canbe completed. Then as the games gets easier you raise the difficulty. Now the game should probably do that on its own, which is sort of does but not nearly enough. With the 'right' perks put into whatever skills you use then the crafting 'abuse' isnt even necessary. Just make a normal set and upgradig it without potions or gear is enough. Adding magic, HP, and or stamina without enhancements is also mor e than enough.

IMO the first level of difficultly should be for total beginners, Adept should be for people with experience in th games and also maybe be themax setting for guys who wear looted stuff or can smith along the way. Expert should be difficult enough to make smithed gear and echanted stuff REQUIRED, and Master should be impossible without the highest level of smithed and encchanted gear. But it isnt anywhere near that hard. I suppose peopel would ocmplain if it was. But doing something on an 'expert' or 'master' setting should require a few things. There are ways to make it harder, some have been mentioned. I doubt it gets that attention.

But as it stands now playing on Expert and wearing looted gear and perking in the 'right' areas keeps it semi challenging. if you start enhancing gear though smithing and enchanting then the curve goes downhill really fast, it just doesnt take muc in those areas to make the game way too easy.

I see it as abuse, sitting in the same spot for about and hour, grinding crafting skills for the sole purpose of making an op character, i played on expert on my first character, not knowing/paying attention that every crafted item gives the same amount of exp, save alchemy, and it was a very fun and challenging playthrough.

Thats not how the game was intended to be played, and it isnt why the difficulty is as hard as it was intended to be.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:44 pm




BY SITHIS, I can't do this anymore. Common sense is not always common is now a fact, I think

Are you...The Saviour..? :hugs:
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:09 pm

I thought oblivion was the perfect dificulty, i had no issue with epic battles with trolls and ogres, and it also created something completely lacking in skyrim- fear, in oblivion i learnt the movments of individual monsters just so i could compete! In skyrim the only times i died were when i got one shotted completly out of the blue, the rest of the game is basically att spaming the need to think in this is quite low. For christ sake the games hallmark monster prioritises mud crabs over the dragon born what type of insanity is that

I would agree with the craft spamming comments if they made sense, no one modded the game to make the perk so powerful thats exactly how the designers wanted you to play the
Game. I dont even use crafted swords to one shot people i use swords you gain from quests
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:43 pm

I thought oblivion was the perfect dificulty, i had no issue with epic battles with trolls and ogres, and it also created something completely lacking in skyrim- fear, in oblivion i learnt the movments of individual monsters just so i could compete! In skyrim the only times i died were when i got one shotted completly out of the blue, the rest of the game is basically att spaming the need to think in this is quite low. For christ sake the games hallmark monster prioritises mud crabs over the dragon born what type of insanity is that

I would agree with the craft spamming comments if they made sense, no one modded the game to make the perk so powerful thats exactly how the designers wanted you to play the
Game. I dont even use crafted swords to one shot people i use swords you gain from quests

i doubt they created smithing and enchanting to sit around the same vendor for an hour waiting 2 days at a time to grind them to 100 as fast as possible, that's my argument, when you just level it as you level, as you mine ore yourself, the game is alot more challenging.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:52 pm

i doubt they created smithing and enchanting to sit around the same vendor for an hour waiting 2 days at a time to grind them to 100 as fast as possible, that's my argument, when you just level it as you level, as you mine ore yourself, the game is alot more challenging.

But then on the same note they made the experiance for an iron dagger the same as dragon armor and +1 fire the same as +5 paralyse, thats not people's modifications but the creators choice to make the game like that.

And of course i can make the game harder all i need to do is blind fold myself and its the hardest game ever. but no the game is just as hard, ive just proven how self controlled iam. And the same applys for other self restraints.

Im not saying there are no challanges, but i think it should take a master of the game to use master difficulty, it should take time and dedication to play master not just play and go, thats what the lower difficulties are for, i think for some reason some individuals get offended when some people say they want it harder, all im asking is cant i enjoy the same difficulty as you? or for some reason must i be discriminated against because i want more of a challange?
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Laura Samson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:15 pm

I used to think the difficulty could've been harder, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:43 pm

I see it as abuse, sitting in the same spot for about and hour, grinding crafting skills for the sole purpose of making an op character, i played on expert on my first character, not knowing/paying attention that every crafted item gives the same amount of exp, save alchemy, and it was a very fun and challenging playthrough.

Thats not how the game was intended to be played, and it isnt why the difficulty is as hard as it was intended to be.

Actually I didnt sit in one spot and do any of that. I collected stuff I saw, bought a few things from people when they didnt have enough money to buy what I was selling and I still got there through a 'natural' progression of gameplay. Even Alchemy which is supposed to be so hard, I had a ton of mats left over after I made 100. And I mostly leveled with 3 ingredient potions to make them worth as much money as I could.

leveling smithing is so easy its a joke. Kills osme animals get some hie turn them into leather, mine soem iron or whatever make dgagers and enchant them (raising enchanting) or make hide/leather armor and enchant them or not. People echant daggers ebcause they are worth more than clothing I would say. But same difference.

if your mining and killing animals then smithing is not going to be any challenge. Enchanting is the same thing, It doesnt take many enchants to level. I think I had a total of 250 enchants when I got to 100. So while enchanting 250 things might not be 'natural' to some people, it is if theyre trying to make money (without console commands).

Even on my first play through and not knowing any 'tricks' or anything that guy is at 60 alchemy and 95 smithing and 85 enchanting. At level 37. Just from doing 'normal' things. And I would say that at hthose numbers i could, if I perked in those trees, be pretty OP. That guys is basically a one hand user but I perked in speechcraft and restoration magic to self heal. And on expert the game is pretty easy. Little tough on master, but I am only wielding a 45 damage ebony sword, and my armor is 'only' epic and less than 400 rating. And I dont have any enchants on the armor yet. So with no perks to speak of in one hand damage or even heavy armor master difficulty is fairly challenging, but with a couple enchants a daedric sword it would probably be too easy. So with no perks and just improved armor and improved weapon I could play on master difficulty with little fear. On a toon that is obviously 'built' in a non 'military' way. That tells me master isnt hard enough.
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