I think if people focused more on stuff they appreciate instead of always looking for things to complain about or to criticize (not just games), the world would be a happier, more enjoyable place.
Amen. I admit, I have oft been guilty of the same, and I regret it.
This really is a problem. I call it post-materialist narcissism, but there really is a social trend of deconstructivism, where everything has to be pulled apart and min-max criticized and categorized and brought to "closure." I believe it is a combination of seeing what the modern world is capable of: high technology, space exploration, immortality, and knowing these things are being kept from you by evil, greedy rich pricks.
People have become bitter, jaded, and defeatist generally as compensation for the pain they suffer in even daring to have hope when they KNOW how corrupt to the core our modern materialist super conglomerates have become. Everything for the money, everything a competition, everyone forced into labor and contextual slavery to serve some sadistic control freak's agenda.
More than ever before, hope HURTS. But, there is more reason to hope than ever before.
I think if people were to slow down, stop trying to rush to competition and obsession and closure on everything and simply take a step back to enjoy life for what is good about it, even a mortal life would be a lot more rewarding.
Besides, who's to say we cannot all live forever. We certainly have the technology to mass produce sustainable secure public housing in a modular format which incorporates distribution of rationed essential resources like healthy food, clean water, modern medicine, while at the same time providing ANY defense against biotechnology which we presently have absolutely NOTHING in place to deal with, and all in a model that heals the natural environment.
So what if you have to limit the number of kids you have to 2 or 3 per century. People would compromise, and there is plenty of room considering these habitats for humanity can be erected in essentially any environment on the planet (and off it.)
So yeah. In the immortal words of some video game person: "Less QQ, more pew pew." Less instant gratification expect the ultimate answer to life the universe and everything or nothing, and more constructive thinking on solutions, more enjoyment of the moment for what it's worth, because whatever it is, it will never come again.
Or something.