Just going through the numbers (both here on the forums and on my own pc) I realized that TwoHand-DPS is by 15%-18% hiher than Onehand-Damage (not Dual wielding! Just "one" Onehand weapon!), so far delievering facts to my own feeling when playing the warrior-archtypes of Barbarian und Paladin.
So the conclusion is: Why the hell should ANYONE use a 2h sword instead of sword and shield (not talking about Dual Wielding here or RP-Reasons to play a 2h Warry)? You can′t effectivly block damage with a 2h weapon, it′s a bad tradeoff, so you better stay to the bash-perks in the blocking tree only. Blocking is sooo extremely strong in higher perks (still on expert or master difficutly settings), you sometimes wonder if you ever should use heavy armor as Sword/Board-Warrior since it makes melee-enemies hardly sratch your paint. And on the opposite, you don′t deal enough damage for the greater amount of damage you receive as 2h Warrior.
This is bad, flawed gamedesign, really.