Holy [censored] crap. I just had the most epic goddamned battle I've ever had in an RPG. And the best part, it wasn't part of a scripted event or anything.
NOTE: I plan to write this totally in-character and post as an actual story at some point. But for now, here's a semi in-character summary of this epic encounter for your reading pleasure.
So I'm travelling to a dungeon for part of the main quest with my companion and two other people who will remain nameless to avoid spoilers.
At some point along the way, I stop to fight some bandits and the other two people run on ahead, so I figure I'll just meet them at the location.
Once I arrive, I climb over some rocks and am treated to a beautiful set of waterfalls and a flowing river between mountain peaks. Set in the middle of all this is a Forsworn encampment, and not a small one at that. There are at least five that I can spot as lookouts, no doubt more inside the huts and working the forge that I can see the smoke of from here.
I move in slowly and as stealthy as I can, my Khajiit in his element now, on the prowl. My companion isn't as stealthy, but he draws his bow as well and prepares to help once we've been spotted.
As I draw nearer I see the flash and ripple as the fabric between realities is torn, and a hulking Frost Atronach appears. Fireballs and arrows fill the air nearly immediately. My other two companions have already arrived and have engaged the Forsworn! Perfect, a distraction!
I draw my bow and take aim at an archer on the second level. Thwack... he goes down.
I'm spotted now however, and at least three of the forsworn are making their way toward me. My companion draws his ebony greatsword and charges in like the true Nord he is. I assist with a few arrows, but take hits from a Forsworn mage casting ice shards at me from across the river and a level above.
My other companions are fighting the main force in the center of the boardwalk spanning the river, I leave them to it, this mage is getting on my nerves.
We trade shots for a bit, and I have to down a potion to bring my health back up a bit.
Suddenly, there is a roar, and the dark shadow of wings, claws, and teeth blackens the ground before me.
A dragon.
A [censored] DRAGON. Not now!
So now, I'm fighting a horde of Forsworn, there's easily 10 or more of them, and they're no pushovers. And there's a dragon making strafing runs on both the forsworn and my party.
I decide to ignore the dragon for the time being, and concentrate on dropping the forsworn for now. Hopefully the dragon will take the larger number of targets and focus on my enemies before deciding I look like a tasty Khajiit snack.
I jump down into the fray, with the arrival of the dragon any semblence of stealth is nearly impossible, and there is too much confusion to fire into the fray with my bow without risking hitting my allies.
I run from plank to plank, dodging arrows and spells... and the occasional frost breath from the dragon forcing me to duck under the nearest cliff face for cover.
Eventually, most of the forsworn are killed, and I'm dealing with a Hagraven that was with them. The dragon lands behind me and I hear it breath in, preparing to shout it's deadly words.
I jump off the bridge into the rapidly flowing water. The hagraven is blown away by the dragon's breath.
Now it's just me, my companions, and the dragon.
I get to the highest point I can and start firing arrows at the dragon as he makes strafing runs. My shouts stunning him whenever possible. This is one of the toughest dragons I have fought thus far, and he shrugs off my arrows and the fireballs from my companions. Finally, the dragon is weakened, or angered enough that he lands. I run up, shout the "Marked for Death" shout, and draw my twin ebony blades.
After a few close calls, I manage to hop on top of the dragon and begin slashing at the soft tissue near his eyes and jaws, finally driving my blade into his skull and finishing him off....
Then I saved the game and came here to post. Holy [censored] [censored], that was awesome!
EDIT - Final count of the dead: 12 Forsworn, 1 Hagraven, and 1 Blood Dragon
Game difficulty was on Master (just turned it up today) and I'm level 33. And that was HARD.