» Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:05 pm
I used an AMR it works wonders on lots of things like Deathclaws and Secruitrons. I also have a sniper's mentality so i am always working an angle, sometimes i will put a round through a gap just wider than the cross hairs on the optics, that is always fun. I once started at the NCR compound with a silenced sniper rifle and AP rounds and worked my way down the strip popping securitrons from cover at range. It was not until the securitrons right outside of the lucky 38 that the frist seruritrons started to fight back. After that i just waltzed into the lucky 38 shooting everything that moved until i opened Houses chamber and put a bullet in his melon. I did all of this just to be mean after wards i reloaded the save and played normally. So .308 or .50 works well on securitrons, with the AMR you do not need to shootem in the TV screen like you do with .308 for a one shot one kill.
Hope this helps.