Skyrim (my thoughts)

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:50 pm

First of all, fantastic game but I wont go on to repeat the great things about this game that have no doubt already been mentioned. I have been stalking the forums so am fairly up to speed with people general thoughts but have to disagree with the heavy criticism of the game some have said, each to their own.

I have a pretty decent PC that runs the game well on high settings. V high settings can cause a bit of lag when turning around or an NPC talks to me when i'm not interested in actually talking to them. My card is a 5770 so i'm delighted with how the game looks on a mid range card that's 2 years old so well done Bethseda for making the game playable on high settings for people with not a monster rig.

I've been gaming since the 80's so i still very much appreciate the current level of achievement (graphic wise) being met these days by game devs, even if the spoilt brats of this generation don't. But I don't expect them to as this is what they have grown up with and there demands are higher than mine. In another 10 years those gamers will wonder how we even bothered playing games that look like this!

I don't have any major gripes with this game at all. My only issue is (and it is only my issue) is that i'm finding the game a bit boring after 4/5 days of solid play. Repetitive questlines like 'kill this/find that' are getting stale for me so i've played less recently. I'm still on act II so maybe there are more puzzles ahead? This game is not an rpg in the true sense as it's more of of a hacknslah game or magic battle game so, I can't call this a genuine RPG game IMO depsite all the chanting/potions and smithing aspects etc these functions are too easily abused. For instance, I would not expect to get a full Deadric outfit till I was 75% through the game.

As for a 2nd playthrough i'm not sure. These games take a long time to complete in my world and I have otehre things to do beside gaming. I like RTS games and simulators to like Rfactor so my time is spread across those games too.

My final point is to the real hardcoe guys. Is there a thread about showing who has completed the game in the quickest time? Is this a pointless question as people can cheat so badly that any results like that would be treat as false? ONe of my RTS games has a similar challenege and guys try to complete the game on hardest level in quickest time ;)

thanks all
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:13 pm

You could have edited right down to the last sentence. The answer is yes it's pointless. You can complete every quest with a console command. More importantly though the game isn't designed to end. You will never see end credits in a TES game.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:17 pm

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. ; )
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Catherine N
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:34 pm

I don't have any major gripes with this game at all. My only issue is (and it is only my issue) is that i'm finding the game a bit boring after 4/5 days of solid play. Repetitive questlines like 'kill this/find that' are getting stale for me so i've played less recently. I'm still on act II so maybe there are more puzzles ahead? This game is not an rpg in the true sense as it's more of of a hacknslah game or magic battle game so, I can't call this a genuine RPG game IMO depsite all the chanting/potions and smithing aspects etc these functions are too easily abused. For instance, I would not expect to get a full Deadric outfit till I was 75% through the game.

You're definitely correct. I've been a gamer since the 80's too and Skyrim is obviously not a traditional hardcoe rpg where patience and thinking is required. Should we go back to the roots of rpg? I wish, but it ain't happening ever again I'm afraid. The new generation of gamers are accustomed to fast pace games and those games are the highest cash cows in the market. Players and companies who love traditional rpg are a dieing breed as time goes by. The only way things could turn around is if the arcade culture come to a decadence; to a corrosive decline.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:06 pm

im a youngin from the 90's so in my opinoin it does feel like people are taking the game for granted there are alot of problems that need adressing (difficulty, damage dealing that sort of thing but i look at skyrim and say it could be worse and even if it would still be awesome)overall we live in an age of expectations wouldnt in your days games didnt recieve nearly as much press and hype as they do know as i said about morrowind that game had mabye a article in one magazine and that was it so the feeling of mystery and grandure was still thier as apposed to now where gamers get burnt out on games before they dropped that seems to be it here with skyrim its gotten more press than any other elder scrolls game before it and due to that the expectations from fans were set too high imagine if this game only got one bit of info released before the game came out we would all be consumed by mistery but thats just how it is companies feel the need to stay relevant and so push out video after video of game footage and interviews and it desensitizes us to the feeling we first had when we saw the first teaser :intergalactic:
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