Dragon AI is AMAZING

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:25 pm

I've not seen them clip underground or through mountains... They might have clipped some trees but with the engine not having enviro-destruction (in other words it can't uproot/break the trees) the only choice would be dragons getting stuck in forests.

I'm on PC so are you on console Shaddow? Different platforms have different bugs I guess?

I'm on the Xbox 360. Yea, it's extremely annoying when they fly underground and come back up about 200 feet away from you with low health but just fly away and you can't catch up.... You miss out on a few dragon souls that way (not that I need them).
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:29 pm

It's obvious that they've put a lot of work into dragons but really you aren't any kind of high end developer if you can't comprehend object relations programming.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:33 am

I absolutely love this game, but I must say that the Dragon fights are the worst aspect of the game. Sometimes they just fly around you but never land, and they move to quick to shoot with an arrow. And forget about killing one on your own, it will always land so that there is no real way to get up to it and start whacking at it without taking a ton of fire damage first, and then it just flies off.
I guess it kind of makes sense, I do like the dragon fights though when they attack cities, those are pretty good. But encountering them in the wild just svcks.

if you think how a "real" dragon would act, it wouldn't fly slow so you could hit it, and it wouldn't land close to you so you can wack it. their breath has an awesome range, of course they're going to land farther away. they weren't meant to be easy
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:08 pm

About landing at half health isn't an AI thing, that's just a parameter they set. Probably to make it easier for melee-only characters to kill dragons.

umm in my game the dragons land whenever they feel like it, even at full health in the cases I haven't bothered to shoot arrows at them (like I usually don't, I'm a sword dude)) they just need a bit of open ground to land...
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Dan Wright
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:39 am

The dragons have a good groundwork, but they have many quirks and failings too in my opinion.

1. Landing somewhere/on something, flying around in a circle, then landing exactly where it was a moment before, repeatedly, looks really odd,.
2. Landing at all, when there are multiple enemies on the ground, there really ought to be a sort of "confidence" value that determines when a dragon lands before it it is forced to.
3. Decision making can be a bit slow, may be animation related...but it can basically turn around and take forever to decide whether it wants to bite you, or use its breath on you.
4. Not enough raw defense or raw attack damage, that or a percentage of their damage needs to bypass resistances and armor to remain threatening.
5. No maneuverability when grounded. No leaping, or running, or any sort of evasive or repositioning maneuver makes them sitting ducks.
6. Not enough shout diversity.
7. As mentioned before, indecisiveness regarding to priority targets. Its main target should always be the greatest threat at the moment.
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:25 pm

My only frustration is the dragons choices of landing zones at times. The game has a lot of mountains and it seems like every time I use dragonrend the dragon chooses a spot a mile away up a mountain instead of the flat plains under it when I used the shout.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:24 pm

Third, and this is by far probably the worst mistake. Dragons land before half of their hp. Now i know what you're thinking, melee characters are not viable etc. etc. Guess what, i don't care. Get a bow and arrow and shoot. Get magic and shoot. get
.If i was a dragon i would NEVER give up the advantage of open air and breathing down on you, to land and be smacked around silly with a two-handed hammer. I loved it when i first saw the elder dragon attack Solitude (Wohoo an interior cell dragon battle!) but then it landed in between 15 guards and got killed in about 15 seconds. Now you can argue that they are prideful and whatnot, but pride != stupidity. I want to see a dragon being EVIL, shouting at my character until it can't do anything anymore.

I would say they should land a lot more often. The only time they are actually dangerous (on the default difficulty) is when they are on the ground. When they are flying around they don't attack fast enough to overcome any method a player can use to heal themselves. If they never landed then you punish melee orientated characters (and it is massively boring waiting for them to land even with a character that has a ranged attack but hasn't spent a lot of perks in that tree). How about you force them to always land right on top of the player and stay constantly in melee, how much fun would that be for Mages, or Archers?
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Mel E
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:44 pm

Dragon AI is pretty impressive and most encounters evolve into an epic battle. Ocassionaly they do akward things like flying trough a mountain or shifting focus on a rabbit but overall its very good. If they were only a little harder to fight but I guess that would make hell for 2h and dual wielders.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:32 pm

I agree that Dragons, and I mean not only the AI, but the animations and sound effects as well, are pretty impressive and have been amazingly well executed.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:08 am

1st real WOW with a dragon , ontop of a monutain at the dragons "shrine" and it was flying and landing but 1 hit to many meant it couldn't fly. I was standing on this flat top bit in front of the shrine, the dragon came falling down and hit the side of the flat area just over the edge out of view. The snow and earth came rumbling up in a wave of earth and I had to move backwards- was real cool.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:57 pm

The only thing I hate about dragon's AI is how they prefer to fight mudcrabs/wolves/trolls on the other side of the mointain(or just far away) than to fight their main enemy - Dragonborn, even when they saw you. And if the frost-breathing dragon fights with frost-immune creatures....you know.
Pisses me off to rush for them, it's like "Hey you, I'M HERE!!".

lol that has happened to me alot to!
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:22 pm

I'm well satisfied with Dragon AI. I would only ever venture to improve by make them more dangerous without raising simply their HP.

However I am a bit put off by most other creature AI. For example there is no difference (at least in practice I don't speak for code) between a Skeever and a Bandit. They both appear to use the same pathing and have the same goal. Swing until you die. But it doesn't ruin my game. I know I or someone else will mod it when we can.

I agree and as usual Bethesda showed us in videos before release so called dragons picking up and dropping people, which I have yet to see at 100 hours in and level 35. Has anyone else seen it happen in their game?
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Quick Draw
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:37 am

One of the smartest AIs I ever seen in gaming. Much better than those AIs scripted for every single second from other games.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:22 pm

I could not disagree more.. if you think skyrim's AI is impressive ..you dont know gaming. Monster tri hunter had good Dragon AI .. this game..good lord.

LOL.... really? Many of us do "know" gaming, that game you quoted... yeah. Tell you what, I'll stick with Skyrim thanks :D

I agree the dragon AI seems good. I'm not such a great gamer (as in skilled, I do know programming & games though) and I regularly get stomped by dragons. I don't max or min my skills, I don't grind any, I level "naturally" from stuff I'd do anyway. If I need to level a certain skill, I get training. So, dragons represent a challenge for me every time. I'm happy to see them flying about in an apparently "realistic" flight pattern, although I understand why they occasionally present a target and also land. It's to give me a chance, after all it is a game :D
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:04 pm

Dragon AI is well done and well scripted, I agree with that. Making them land is needed to make them more melee friendly.
Never seen them clip through buildings or terrain...only flaw I've seen so far is when they decide to attack some mudcrab/wolf/other stupid animal instead of you/guards/npcs that are a real menace for them.
Anyway, to improve these beasts, they just need more attacks, expcially some sort of AoE for when they land and get surrounded by npcs, and they need more shouts, I cannot stress enough with that...giving them some shouts beside the breath/ball ones would make fights harder and more interesting.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:13 pm

The dragons are pretty sweet. Even the constant clumsy dive bombs onto open ground nowhere near me are endearing.
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