Some kind of dodge maneuver is definitely needed. As a 2-hand wielder it's essential that you can dodge those power attacks, and sometime I can by a simple side-step, but man does it have to be timed. I usually end up just wailing on the other dude with my greatsword while he's wailing on my with his battleaxe or whatever. Not a lot of finesse, which is really a shame. It gets even worse if there are 2 or more opponents. At the point all tactics just go out the window and it's slug-fest. Would be nice if there was a few more combat options than that.
Agreed. Another thing I'd like to see added that would also help alleviate the 2h problem is to be able to cancel your own attack halfway through and block. As it stands, if you want to block an attack with a 2h weapon you almost have to sit around not attacking them and wait for them to make a move. If I wanted combat to be like that, I'd go play Oblivion.