If Skyrim were to be a multiplayer game it'd give the player way more things to do after completing the quests/ side quests. red dead redemption can relate in many ways to the gameplay of skyrim (in different time periods) the multplayer would be able to be nearly close to red dead redemption/ gta iv. allowing the player to free roam with other players, making clans, team raiding dungens (new dlc content) and many more creatures of tamriel that bethesda could make in dlc, but also pvp area's, where players can go killing with clans/friends or go lone wolf, players will not lose items upon death, they will be able to use there items they have currently in skyrim.
This will also give the player more the reason to raise there level, clans would claim a area, and other clans mite assault that area to take it from them. The shouts may be a issue with this, or lag-time. but they can dissable the shouts if your playing multiplayer, this would also make bethesda alot more money for well worth dlc