- One handed weaponry for melee combat. This will mainly consist of one handed swords unless something truly epic is found.
- His one handed weaponry is supported by spell casts from his off hand. Something will always be equipped here (starting with flames and sparks, oakflesh on surprised fights).
- He will backstab if he can, but will never get the 15x dagger perk (mainly due to me wanting to keep the one handed sword style).
- He will use a bow for sneaky archery, but it will not be his focus.
- He will only use robes and hoods for torso and head. At the very most, he will use light armor for his torso, but always wear a hood of some sort.
- He does not use a shield.
- He will support himself with alchemy and enchanting.
My desire is to have someone a bit different than my Nord heavy-armored no-shield massive-war-axe barbarian and my sneaky dual wielding khajiit assassin/archer. It feels like he may be down on armor when the going gets tough (multi-mobs, surprise dragon encounters) but might pull through with proper magic usage. Being my first character that would use magic, I'm sure this'll be a challenge, but a welcome one for a non-powergaming role-player. This character might also use bound swords, but I've no experience with that so I'm only guessing it'd be fun.