Skyrim has 100's if not 1000's of quests, with associated scripting, coding, and dialog.
Skyrim has well over 60,000 lines of dialog recorded in multiple languages.
Skyrim has 1000's of npc's with associated coding.
Skyrim is one of the largest single player RPG's created to date.
Skyrim has multiple combat modes with associated camera controls.
Skyrim took a team of over 100 people more than four (4) years to create.
Skyrim was made for three (3) different playable systems.
Skyrim is more sophisticated then your Mario Brothers for NES. Even with that 'limited' technology, you still had to blow into the cartridge and slam it into the NES to get it to work even half of the time! :laugh:
Those are just off the top of my head!
People are quick to place blame on Bethesda for bugs they may be experiencing, or problems they may be having. Just remember that its not always their fault. Before you grab your torch and pitchfork, try and have a little gratitude for what you do have!
Advise of the day: 'A pat on the back goes much further than a slap in the face.'
Bethesda has a patch out within about 2 weeks of launching a multi language, multi platform game that dwarfs the content and size of any console game on the market today. Not to mention its released right after one of the biggest FAMILY holidays of the year. They may not have fixed EVERY bug that millions of players have encountered and or found, but give them some credit where it is due. Overall the game is pretty smooth in both game play and the amount of bugs, even minor ones.
Anyway, just wanted to give Bethesda a bug thumbs up! Hope to see the creation kit out soon so our awesome modding community can go to work! :tops: