The Stories of the Guilds

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:09 pm

EDIT:I found that someone has raised every point I tried to make and wanted to make while doing a much better job. Below is the link to his/her thread:

So this is my first post and while Skyrim is great and has many new and awesome features, I'd even go so far to say that Bethesda outdid themselves (In some ways, in other ways....well thats why I made this thread). I know this has been discussed but I haven't seen anyone really pay attention to my largest problem with Skyrim. I feel like the quests for guilds are they thought this new quest generator they've created would cover up their lack of trying. As if generic go here and kill this, forge this, or retrieve this (with no real plot) repeated until infinity make up for the lack of plot and impact in the world. If I wanted to do these kind of quests for infinity then I would play an MMORPG such as Rift, WoW, EQ, Etc.

I never played Arena or Daggerfall so I don't know how the quests were in them but I did play Morrowind. If you look at Morrowind the guild quests in that game were amazing, you actually affected the guild by having to make a choice at the end of the quest lines. Oblivion got rid of that and I was slightly disappointed, however I was not too terribly saddened because I thought their quests were fun, inventive, and provided a wonderful story for each guild, even if I wouldn't play through some of them more then once. Then we get to Skyrim, it took me less then one night to fully blow through the entire Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guilds quest-lines. Just one night. In Morrowind, I could never have done that. The guilds actually required proficiency in certain skills to advance. With Oblivion they got rid of that feature but OB still retained a rather large number of quests for each faction. And now here is Skyrim, in all of it's anticipated and hyped glory. I have done all four of the quest-lines for the guilds. I only found the Thieves guild to feel like you accomplished anything at the end of the quest-line. Not to mention that all of these guilds seem to lack any advancement system whatsoever. You join, then in the matter of 4-5 quests you become the master/leader of the guild, I may be wrong about the advancement part of this but I don't remember going up more then just one or two ranks in the guild before becoming the leader. If I'm wrong please correct me.

Does this bother no one else? I created this thread because the only other person that got this game (that I've had a chance to talk to about Skyrim with) isn't really bothered by this. Also before anyone flames me for not being a true fan of The Elder Scrolls series I spent roughly $2,000 USD on building a gaming computer so I could enjoy Skyrim in all its glory. (Also to have a "future-proof" Gaming build that would last me a number of years so I could play any games I wanted to without fear of them not working) But it was mainly for Skyrim.

And to everyone who reads this I thank you. I'm sure it's a bit hectic and rant-like.

EDIT:I found that someone has raised every point I tried to make and wanted to make while doing a much better job.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:24 am

Count me in as one who has noticed the same thing.

In Morrowind, I never actually completed any of the guild quests (although my last character was working through the Mages' guild, as I remember). And indeed, you couldn't just blow through the faction quests in one sitting.

In Oblivion, I have done all the faction quests (my favourite was the Thieves' guild, becoming the Grey Fox & so on). I found you could do the faction quest lines in a day on average, but once again, as the OP points out, there is no skill requirement--you don't need 25 sneak to advance in the Thieves' guild. It should be a requirement.

Now we have Skyrim, where faction quests can be completed in a few hours, with only a handful of quests--eight of them for the Thieves' guild, if I'm not mistaking. Even the main quest feels a bit watered-down. It's something that should take hours and hours to complete, not over in--well, what seems like the blink of an eye.

Just my two cents. Now if the Creation Kit comes out, maybe some bright modders out there might be able to make a few changes... We have a great game, but there is a ton of room for improvement.
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