Keep re-rolling new characters 3 hours in and its ruining th

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:50 am

LOL its the nature of RPG game to make you think well if i had better bow skills i could or better this or that its whot keeps you playing as every game is slightly different in just how you play

most games arnt RPG in that you are who the game says you are there is no if only i took that skill you just are! i only play those game a few times

Ok The mods on the PC do help keep the game fresh im still playing Oblivion

& to be honest im not gettin to involved with any game yet as to fix alot of bugs New games will prob have to be started
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:10 pm

I'm so OCD I restarted Dragon Age two hours in just to change the hairstyle of my character.

For me it was skin and hair color. The lighting in CC was so horrible you could make your person look so tan... and then he would be so pale in the game.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:42 am

Just make a firm decision on how you want to play the game then build your character to accommodate that. It's single player not an MMO so you don't have to roll the most supposedly OP build, you can actually just have fun and enjoy yourself. Drop the difficulty when you want to feel like a pro. Nobody has to know :P lern2bhappeh
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:08 pm

Its happening again! It happened on Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas... Restartitis disease.

...When i play Bethesda/Obsidian games, my mind is working overtime and whenever i see something and realize my character isn't that something or could do that something better if i just started again... I then for the next 15mins have this conversation in my head that my character is obsolete and not as fun as if i made another character. I have had the game since release and played 4-5 hours a day and have only done in total about 8 quests and have had over 20 new characters! I just climbed the 7000 steps for the first time and wanted to start again; I have had to turn my PS3 of before i go crazy and do it again.

Its ruining the game doing the same things over and over again. The voice in my head literally won't stop saying "Make a new character, go on it will be better and more fun" Anyone else do/doing this? I can't be alone? ... I love this game and i can't play it.

Below are some further details, you won't need to read if you have experienced this and understand it

Holy crap. I'm not reading this whole thread, but you, and anybody else in your shoes, need to turn off the console, turn off the computer, and go outside or visit friends or whatever. Four or five hours a day playing a given game for over a week now is just too much, particularly since you're constantly rerolling a new character. Remember, you don't have to do everything all in one character. Play the game through as one character, maybe a role or race you've never tried, finish, set the game aside for a while, then play it again with a completely different character.

But definitely definitely definitely please for the love of God set the game aside and don't keep playing four or five hours a day for another week straight. Oy. Sunlight won't kill you, after all.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:34 am

I'm so OCD I restarted Dragon Age two hours in just to change the hairstyle of my character.

I didn't like how my Khajiit tale looked in the Nightingale set... at level 25.
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:09 pm

First off, for those people who think they will have a perfect character from the beginning of the game are poorly mistaken.

1)character building, like in any game, takes time, patience, and diligence.

2)It doesn't matter who you start with because you can add perks to any and all skills

3)Pretty soon, no matter the starting point, all characters will have to multi-class. Warriors find at high levels that mages are extremely deadly and freeze players in place then blast them with flames or ice spikes until dead. Mages discover that their magic is underpowered when fighting Dremoras and Giants. Thieves have no combat skill at all unless they are built properly. Bows work great and eventually you will one shot everyone =).

my recommendation is to stop playing skyrim with WoW concepts. It won't work. Start with a base character. Sword and shield work great and easy to master. At some point you will need to begin crafting for armor improvements and enchantments. Even further, multiclassing to up your arsenal against the enemies bethesda has created for you.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:28 pm

yeah you dont know what they the developers were goin 4. u dont make your character badass from beginning u develop tthem through gameplay sure u could be dark elf but if u dont make him a mage ull still be able to beat game. pick what looks good to u not what best 4 game the character skills are not really that usefull the shouts are better
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loste juliana
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:02 pm

Oh yes, I have restartitis BAD, the longest I've played a character is to level 10 before restarting. It makes me wish I could skip the intro.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:23 pm

40 hours into my first char i decided to start a new stealthy argonian. Level 12 and i just dont like it, bows arent my thing so im going back to my sword n board to crush some skulls
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:48 am

You're not alone OP; I started my main character about 3 times. First he was a Khajiit, he was OK but I wasn't satisfied. Then he was a Argonian I was happy with this change, but the build I made I didn't like. Then I made an Altmer..

I started over as soon as I finished bleak falls barrow(I don't feel right being an Elf let alone an Altmer). Then I made an Argonian, and I'm happy with him. I don't think I'll start over again.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:19 pm

I seem to have gotten everything about my character right on the first try. That never happens.
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Catherine N
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:16 pm

Oh i did this with oblivion. Having started oblivion during sep this year, i had info about everything. I read the wiki, i planned what to level up, i made sure i trained my stupid block skill even i didnt use it (due to the endurance attribute and the health gain crap), and i read so much about strategies and exploits to make the most optimal character.
And it svcked :( because i was trying to make an optimal character, not the character i want to create.

So perhaps you could ask yourself; at this very moment, what do you want to do most with your character? Do you want to get some flashy magic, or be a spellsword or whatever. Changing "classes" at the beginning is much easier than in oblivion, without the major and minor skills crap.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:51 pm

Every game I buy I do this: Before I even get the game I have my character planned out down to a T. Then I get the game and realize my the character doesn't play as I imagined *boredom begins sinks in*. So I go back and think of another character to try out, turns out it doesn't play as I expect or I'm just not enjoying it because I'm dwelling on how awesome I imagined my original character to be... so I create a new one x9001. The boredom just creeps in inch by inch until I'm completely over the game before I even got the best out of it.

I'm still waiting on Skyrim to arrive ( :brokencomputer:) but I've tried as much as I can not to read up on the game so my imagination doesn't run wild and I can just pick up the game and do it all on the spot with no expectations.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:13 am

I almost restarted... once.

Then I laughed at myself for being so perfectionist and kept playing.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:28 pm

I have a mild version of this. Nowhere near as bad. I work full time hence my play time is limited, so I have a few ideas that work, for me at least.

1. Dont play a single character. Have two or three. A fighter, mage and thief. Play which ever one your in the mood for.
2. Be disciplined. Only let each char have one or two crafting types.
3. I find reading a novel that focus' around a char type really gets me in the mood for playing that type of character. Read a bit of the book each day will help keep your interest fresh in that character type.
4. Flesh out your characters with backgrounds. Base their choices in game with what their personalaties would dictate. Not what your personality dictates.
5. Dont play too much.
6. Remember your not missing anything by playing a certain style. You can just play the game again when your current character has exhuasted the game.
7. Set yourself goals. Like, "This play session Im going to do two or three main-quest quests".
8. Relax and have fun and try not let that voice in your head sway you. Ignore it and focus on achieving things in-game.

Good luck mate. :thumbsup:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:21 am

They have a table-top version of Skyrim?
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:46 pm

Aww, same here. I finally managed to make a character after days of mind games. You have to break the circle or else you will quit at a certain point. Make random characters and just play for while to see which class suits you best. If you are 100% certain which path you wanne go, make your main character.

And please do not rush things while you're playing. Make alot of save files for backup, especially when selecting perks. Also keep in mind that when you're making your MAIN character, he looks exactly the way you want. Cause you cannot change it. That part i was really struggling with.

Hope this helps, good luck :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:11 pm

I have really bad OCD with games, although my problem is more of a "reloaditis" than "restartitis". If my character doesn't walk just right or say the right thing or an NPC walks into her, I RELOAD! :banghead: Damn OCD! You know, OP, the real problem with OCD and the reason it gets worse, is if you keep giving into the urge (all you keep doing is feeding the troll, so to speak, and it'll want to keep coming back for more)... I'm trying to fight that myself, and it's sooooo hard, but it seems it's the only way "out". Good luck! :hugs:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:00 pm


BarnsleyMatt94 - I had the same problem of choosing a character, so I said what the heck I'm gonna browse forum a bit. And immediately ran into this thread.
I know how you feel, I need sometimes two hours just to find a name.

I watched the video someone posted about Choices and it made me focus and decide.

My first choice before that was Imperial, but more Chinese style than Roman I see ingame. I was about to crush the rebellion and started to slaugthering filthy rebels but.. didn't like the playstyle. Not the race, but playstyle that goes with it. Heavy Armor, two handed hammer.. it's cool for 10 minutes and then it gets really hard on Masters (I refuse to play on lower difficulties) and kinda boring. I was never much of a pure melee character. Knights, Paladins, not my thing. Being Imperial Assassin was also an interesting idea - finding citizens loyal to Stormcloaks (after talking to them) and killing them. I must say that killing that annoying Talos preacher in Whiterun was one of the most satisfying things in the game. I didn't even plan to kill him; I heard his sermon and said: "This man must die." Still, something was missing so I abandoned this character. I think the game setting and game mechanics werent quite fit for what I had in mind, my idea could not translate into this game properly. The imperial assassin in my mind was something like the ones in Curse of a Golden Flower.

Fast forward few more characters and restarts. I also discovered that cool console command which enables me to change race, looks and name. Makes making initial choices more relaxing and enjoyable.

Finally, after watching that video, I decided on - Argonian!

Very satisfied with the current choice. Wiki says Argonians are the least human.. which is how I like it. Dragonborn? I hate "you're the chosen one" storylines, but if there is someone with dragon blood or whatever else in Skyrim it must be one of these lizards. After all, pterosauros means "winged lizard". Argonians look great with no clothes on, or clothes on including hood. Playstyle I chose looking at what I like, looking at what is unorthodox and beyond the "I have more damaging axe so I win". I chose Conjuration but only Necromancy line (no bound weapons, no atronachs). Then chose Illusion (allows for asymetric warfare) - and this was fitting as my favorite Guild Wars character was a mesmer. The rest will probably go into Archery, Stealth, perhaps even one handed. Animation when you kill someone with 1h weapon is great. Archery and stealth is fun and immersive, and so far I've found olive-green orc arrows look great on lizards. I'm focusing on cold-blooded style of warfare, fitting lizards, and guerrilla style, fitting Argonians.

Having all this in mind, choosing the name for my Argonian was much easier. While I'm not claiming it's the final name, it's a working name I'm satisfied with:

Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they learn why they fear the night.

The story behind my Argonian currently goes something like this: He has been sent undercover to Skyrim to evaluate the situation. To scout and research and investigate - in order to decide whether to support Skyrim independence and use the opportunity to go for full Argonian independence as well - or - to support Imperial army and crush the rebellion. So far, from the dialogues I had ingame, and from my limited knowledge of the game lore, I am heavily leaning towards Imperials but didn't join them yet. Will visit eastern side of Skyrim (which seems to be pro-Stormcloak) and then decide. Briefly looking at the lore I got impression that although Imperials incorporated Black Marsh into the Empire, it still has a high level of independence, and Imperials didn't terrorize the region. While in Skyrim I don't feel welcome as Argonian at all. The only people who welcome me warmly are Khajiit ("Hello my Argonian friend.").
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Catherine N
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:51 am

Still not cured, still happening, finally got to level 15 and for some reason had the urge again; think ill have to get rid of the game :'(
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:00 pm

Its happening again! It happened on Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas... Restartitis disease.

...When i play Bethesda/Obsidian games, my mind is working overtime and whenever i see something and realize my character isn't that something or could do that something better if i just started again... I then for the next 15mins have this conversation in my head that my character is obsolete and not as fun as if i made another character. I have had the game since release and played 4-5 hours a day and have only done in total about 8 quests and have had over 20 new characters! I just climbed the 7000 steps for the first time and wanted to start again; I have had to turn my PS3 of before i go crazy and do it again.

Its ruining the game doing the same things over and over again. The voice in my head literally won't stop saying "Make a new character, go on it will be better and more fun" Anyone else do/doing this? I can't be alone? ... I love this game and i can't play it.

Below are some further details, you won't need to read if you have experienced this and understand it

Simple, your an idiot. Quit playing games.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:15 am

Simple, your an idiot. Quit playing games.

Your sentence is grammatically broken and incorrect. If you want it to read correctly, try the correct spelling and phrasing:
"You're an idiot."
...With that out of the way, im quitting Skyrim until after Christmas, in hope that then i might not keep starting a new character every 3 hours. Anybody had this from release, played more than average and still not even met the Greybeards?
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:10 pm

I think I'm up having restrated about 10 times getting to between levels 10 and 19 so far, and haven't even seen the first dragon yet. I'm having fun.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:14 pm

I was told that what's happening to you would happen to me too. I said no. I was wrong. :shakehead:

I have about 5 or 6 different characters now. To resolve my issue of wanting to play them all, I'm designating one for each of the types of guilds, and one for the main quest. That should help me get to enjoy each of the characters, their looks and playstyles thoroughly while getting to enjoy the majority of the game for the next year two years forever.

I told myself not to make anymore. I know that that will not be the case! Bethesda made it much easier to make an awesome looking character. There are so many choices no wonder you're making so many! I don't blame you.
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