r_MultiGPU =
g_skipIntro =
cl_fov =
pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov =
sys_MaxFps =
r_TexMaxAnisotropy =
r_PostMSAA =
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV =
r_UseEdgeAA =
r_DrawNearFoV =
e_GI =
e_GIAmount =
r_HDRBloomMul =
r_HDRBrightLevel =
r_SSAO =
e_GsmRange =
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio =
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes =
e_ShadowsResScale =
r_ShadowJittering =
e_WaterTesselationAmount =
e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth =
r_WaterUpdateDistance =
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate =
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist =
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed =
Like to say thank u very much crytek for givin us dx11 n high res textures <3
But still would like if u actually split up sp n mp somehow and open the cvars in sp:P
My old config with crysis 1.2, looks stunningly clear compared - no shadow artifacts - no sudden fps drop shootin a bench in the park (even thou major explosions work fine) - no laggy rockets n fast movin objects and list goes on..
oh well:P
one thing i noticed when running dx11, i hit some shallow water by accident at the end o 2nd security point in second chances map and fps drop down to 20s, its like its tryin to make to much effects at one time just like park benches only way worse.