Race: Breton
I decided to go full Illusion and Restoration. Illusion has a lot of good uses for a stealthy character, most notably invisibility... and Restoration has some amazing perks. With restoration I can heal faster, regenerate stamina, and regenerate magicka at a high rate, meaning that even without perks in other schools I can still use somewhat high level spells in say, Destruction. I was planning to go full Conjuration, but then I decided that I would rather focus on my bow and daggers as my attack methods. Is that a mistake? What schools would you recommend for a stealthy character? Are some of these perks wasted?
In the combat tree I went with full Light Armor, all the One-Handed perks that relate to daggers, and most of the Archery perks. I sacrificed a few perks in Archery that I don't feel are very necessary for me. I won't be using my bow in straight combat situations, so moving faster with an arrow drawn isn't a big deal. Collecting more arrows from dead bodies I can do without. I went with light armor because I plan on using the Dark Brotherhood outfit as my final armor. The 15x stealth critical bonus for daggers is too good to pass up and it looks awesome. Would you recommend changing any of these perks?
In the stealth tree I went... full stealth. I decided against getting anything in Lockpicking and Pickpocketing. I'm good at the Lockpicking minigame so any perks there would be wasted. I almost went with a few perks in the Pickpocketing tree like the 100 carry weight bonus and the ability to plant poison on people... but in the end I decided that I wouldn't be Pickpocketing people enough to even be able to unlock those perks. Is that a bad move? Is pickpocketing worth revisiting?
Ok... now here is where things get interesting. I decided not to get anything in Speech because money isn't a big issue for a thief and I didn't have any problems with persuading people on my first character, thanks to Breton's starting at 20 in Speech. In Alchemy, I decided to get all the perks pertaining to poison because I will be using those a lot. I would like to get more perks in the Alchemy tree including capping off the first perk at 5/5... but there simply wasn't enough perks left. Should I reallocate some other perks I've chosen to get more in Alchemy? As for Smithing, I decided to only go with Arcane Smithing... now it's my understanding that with Arcane smithing I will be able to improve the Dark Brotherhood outfit. Is that true? I also plan on using preset weapons like Mehrune's Razor so putting perks into the higher levels of Smithing seems like a waste. Is that a bad idea? Now enchanting I would love to put points into but again... there simply were not enough perks... is this a bad idea? Is Enchanting worth sacrificing perks elsewhere for?
Phew... well there we have it. My justifications for my perk choices. If you have any feedback I would greatly appreciate it. Did I choose some useless perks? Would you allocate them differently?
Thanks in advance for the advice!