The townsfolk call me "captain" because I used to be

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:20 pm

What about standing and talking to someone about a quest, and 20 NPC's (15 guards, and 5 other randoms) ALL telling you different garbage about something you dont want to know about and in the end you missed everything the quest giver said..

Also when a guard says "Gods gave you 2 hands, and you use them both for your weapon, I can respect that" is that a reference to 2handed weapons or bows? Because I hear that often, but Ive never used a 2handed weapon :rolleyes:

It's a reference to your [censored]
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:05 pm

^ This happens alot. Extremely annoying. STFUALREADY!!

to solve i started turning subtitles on as only the one your actively talking to gets them so i can still read whats said even if it can't hear it.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:00 pm

to solve i started turning subtitles on as only the one your actively talking to gets them so i can still read whats said even if it can't hear it.

Bad thing that the annoying people have subtitled voices too..
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:48 pm

"Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll." Stupid guard!! =[]= I don't even eat in this game!!
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le GraiN
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:01 pm

Idk if it was said, but there is NOTHING WORSE than Lydia's:

"I am sworn to carry your burdens."

That's why she's relegated to bread-eating in my bedroom now.

Damn! This happened to me too! I got a new follower but I found Lydia sitting in my bedroom eating bread!!
I was like.. "wha... who invited you in, Lydia??! Oh well.. it was good to see you.." LOL

And this "swornnn to carry your burdens" phrase is one of the reasons why I got rid of her lol :P
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Paula Rose
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:43 pm

"Ahh I see you like using bows, I'm more a sword man myself..."

I love Skyrim, but the repeating phrases drives me crazy sometimes. Half the time I'm mouthing them along with voices, because I know off by heart what they're going to say >_<
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:22 pm

I never felt as good as when I replaced Lydia with an Orc. Orcs don't complain, ever.

"Ok, let's trade."
"Let's go where the challenge is greatest!"
"Orcs follow to the DEATH."
"Get your blades ready!"

Ah, Borgakh Steel-Heart, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. <3

This x100000
She's awesome.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:22 pm

"Want to know what's wrong with Skyrim these days....."

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:44 pm

Loved the whole topic until this post, Bethesda finished their game 100%, but do you know how hard it is to fix every little bug, and every little tweek that could've been bad in a HUGE game like Skyrim?

No NPCs ever recognizing your status in their respective factions or acknowledging good deeds that may or may not have saved the world?

Totally Understandable, I mean forgetting such insignificant things in your game is bound to happen.
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Timara White
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:45 am

I have to say at least Bethesda did a little better than Oblivion in having NPCs recognize your actions. Not much, but a little. It can lead to funny incongruities though like going into the Bee & Barb, beating the Argonian barmaid to a pulp then walking up to her boyfriend and he's all "You need to leave" and I'm like "Hey, I found these gems you can use to make a ring for that chick I just ass whooped in front of you" and he's like "You're the greatest!!!". Then you exit dialog and he's back to "I can't believe you'd show your face in here."
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Wayne W
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:05 am

Haven't had a voice from Skyrim in my head yet.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:26 pm

To be honest I still get this in my head:

I played it before Skyrim, and was gonna dive into Skyrim.

But Skyrim isn't really interesting to me, so I just keep hearing other songs.

Currently looking around on Steam and Amazon to find some fun a-rpg games. When Football gets boring, and I have no interest in gaming, or into my family, I might go back to my character on Skyrim and battle another land with the mouse 1 button and maybe push the shout q, power, light on fire, q, then more mouse 1 attack.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:59 am

To be honest I still get this in my head:

I played it before Skyrim, and was gonna dive into Skyrim.

But Skyrim isn't really interesting to me, so I just keep hearing other songs.

Currently looking around on Steam and Amazon to find some fun a-rpg games. When Football gets boring, and I have no interest in gaming, or into my family, I might go back to my character on Skyrim and battle another land with the mouse 1 button and maybe push the shout q, power, light on fire, q, then more mouse 1 attack.

Your final comment makes me want to ask if you're the Lydia of these forums, will you repeat that last line every-time we have a thread discussing Dialogue in Skyrim?
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:31 pm

My friend heard from a guard: "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then i took a blade through the chest." Makes ya wonder how he survived that blade through the chest...
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:51 am

Come to Dragonshreach to dishcush the ongoing hoshtilitiesh like the resht of the 'great warriorsh?'
No, you have the nearest 'chanting
table to my house. Go see a speech therapist.

And by Azura, by Azura, by Azura! That James Woods soundalike gets around!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:47 pm

DooooOOOOooooo CoooOOOOooome back!

Not if you're going to be creepy, dude!

OMG, I think I just bust an artery. That line freaks me out and you just made me cry with laughter.

"I was thinking, maybe I'm the dragonborn and I just don't know it y" "Fus Ro Dah"
IM THE ONLY [censored] DRAGONBORN HERE :shocking:
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:48 pm

You know, if you've got the aptitude, you should join the Mages College in Winterhold, bro
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:58 am

I work for Belethor, at the General Goods store.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:49 am

I especially love the "This quest dialog is more important than any frost trolls currently beating the sh*t out of me... whoops, I'm dead."
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:40 am

"Another wanderer, here to lick my fathers boots, good job"
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:25 pm

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you want to take an arrow in the knee because I used to be a sailor and my cousin is out fighting dragons and what do I get? I got to thinking, maybe I'M the Dragonborn, I just don't know that I am sworn to carry your burdens...STOP CRIMINAL SCUM! No Lollygagging!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:35 pm

Do you get to the Cloud District often? What am I saying, of course you don't.

He said that to me for last time just after I saved him from some bandits. As soon as we get in the door at Whiterun he says that and I just snapped and killed him.
It was a one shot kill with a kill move, the whole scene transpired within about 5 seconds. It was great.
And the guards let me go because I was the Thane. :intergalactic:
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:40 am

Loved the whole topic until this post, Bethesda finished their game 100%, but do you know how hard it is to fix every little bug, and every little tweek that could've been bad in a HUGE game like Skyrim?

Bug? You think these are "bugs"? This stuff happened in Oblivion. It happened in Morrowind too. Those aren't bugs. Bethesda is just too lazy to actually finish their game. Or, better yet, they're too busy cramming in useless new features in order to grab as much attention as possible from the mainstream gaming community.

TES games had one of the greatest spell systems of all time. What did they do in Skyrim? They removed it. Oh, but not only did they remove it, they also took out thousands of spells and told us the new system was much, much better. Yeah, can't even be bothered to add "Bound Shield" or "Bound Mace", but whatever. It's much more akin to the type of stuff other games offer and isn't nearly as complex as the old system.

That's not the point though. The point is that we're still having the same problems we've been having for years, and instead of fixing them, Bethesda is removing the content that made TES games so epic and adding things like children and marriage. It's ridiculous.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:09 pm

Haha check out one of the comments:

"Why would you kill me?? I was only asking a question."
by: Nazeem38

Ohmigod... Are you saying he has... a fan? Where is this world going to? :facepalm:

Another comment I've began to hate is that from Narri, a maid in Falkreath. With the most over-the-top Russian accent I've encountered so far in the game, which is saying a lot: "Shor's Bones! A handsome man in Falkreath!" Alright, ALRIGHT, I heard it around the 27th time you said it! Besides, I don't think I'm your type - at least the guards are more like saying "I recognize the Thieves Guild armor when I see it - you're not fooling anyone", "Psst, I know who you are. Hail Sithis!" or most of all, "What is it, lizard?". :D Narri also means 'jester' or 'fool' in Finnish, which isn't helping much. At all. :I

One place I've learned to hate is The Bee and Barb inn in Riften. First there's Sapphire with her arms crossed standing in the corner. "I don't have any business with you, so get out of my feisssss" x 5. Then Marcurio spends literally ALL his time there, telling just how perfect a wizard and hired gun he is. (No-one listens, though; he sits on his own.) Then all the Black-Briar scum - is it Maven's spouse who looks more like a jester than a man of a crimelord? - and especially the two Nords having lengthy drunk discussions about how everything's bad now and how Ulfric is the greatest man ever lived! >< Oh, and those fellow Argonians who actually keep the bar are mad at me because I had to
charge them for the Thieves Guild. This goes on even now that I've given three flawless amethysts to the man for his wedding ring... *sigh* :(
So I freaking hate the place already.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:26 am

I swear I've heard an alternate version of that line before, but I cant find it anywhere. It went something like: "I used to be in the imperial army until I took a sword to the shoulder"...though, I only heard it once and given the circumstances (marathon gaming session), I may have just imagined it. :sadvaultboy:

It's a begger in Windhelm that says it, he took a sword through the chest while fighting the empire or something, hence the current begging profession. (I don't give the man even a single coin since he is anti-Empire, and that does not go well with me..) :)

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you want to take an arrow in the knee because I used to be a sailor and my cousin is out fighting dragons and what do I get? I got to thinking, maybe I'M the Dragonborn, I just don't know that I am sworn to carry your burdens...STOP CRIMINAL SCUM! No Lollygagging!

Haha! :tongue:
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