I'm gonna do it! And you can't stop me!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:18 am

I've decided to powerlevel enchanting so that I can exploit destro! My enchanting is at level 57 right now, I'm halfway through level 19. Does anyone know how many level ups I will have to endure in order to max my enchanting?
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:53 pm

Do you have a calculator? Yes? Then why ask us?
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:18 am

Yes I have a calculator a$$hol3! But there are certain variables that I do not posses knowledge of like number of enchantments per increase and number of skill increases per level up! So its not as simple as you may perceive. I understand the skills are weighted as well so the higher the level the more use of said skill to increase it! If I had a formula then yes a calculator would suffice but I don't and since forums are usually meant to help individuals with common interests out, I thought I'd save myself some hardship and ask hoping that one who has done this before would present me with the answer or at least the means to attain the information I requested! Thanks for the help D - Bag!
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:31 pm

"a$$hol3!", what is this elf language you are clearly speaking in?

One can become a Master Enchanter at level 1 if they so wish. But if you train the skill 5 times per level (that's the max) then you will shorten the process. I won't do any numbers since math is reserved to school where I get grades for it. If I were you I would just try to get enough souls trapped in soul gems so that you can enchant Iron Daggers that you easily create in the smithing skill.
That way you will skill up enchanting easy while also getting closer to becoming a Master Smith.

Don't mathhammer this matter since your stats does not matter to anyone but you. This is not wow where the stats increases your own, personal E-pee. This is Skyrim, home of the nords and the brave. Enjoy the game instead and then you will eventually get enough skill in enchanting to become this powerful mage that you wish to be.

Oh, and if you are going with the whole " forums are usually meant to help" then I would suggest that you cut it out with the names. Censor them all you like, you will not come across as a likable fella if you use names for someone that wasn't even rude to begin with.

Hopefully someone will come in with an awesome and detailed list of do's and don'ts when it comes to powerlevling enchanting "mathhammer style", but until then.. stay frosty. :spotted owl:
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Rob Smith
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:38 pm

Yes I have a calculator a$$hol3! But there are certain variables that I do not posses knowledge of like number of enchantments per increase and number of skill increases per level up! So its not as simple as you may perceive. I understand the skills are weighted as well so the higher the level the more use of said skill to increase it! If I had a formula then yes a calculator would suffice but I don't and since forums are usually meant to help individuals with common interests out, I thought I'd save myself some hardship and ask hoping that one who has done this before would present me with the answer or at least the means to attain the information I requested! Thanks for the help D - Bag!

*brings in a bunch of green-as-grass forum n00bs*

Now people, if you get trolled in any way, shape or form, no matter HOW mild it is, you must not repeat MUST NOT react like this. It only encourages them and gets your thread locked. Now, lets move on to fishy sticks and the finer points of debate...*moves off down hallway with group in tow*
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brandon frier
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:23 am

Just to put a stop to the trolling that I expecting this to turn into, If you are level 57 in Enchant you need 43 more levels to master, easy way of do this is to visit each city and by all the filled petty soul gems from the merchants, then buy the same amount of iron knives, and enchant with absord health. By the time you have visited each of the cities and then enchanted, the first cities merchants should have restocked.

If you have the spell to change iron ore to silver then to gold, you should also buy all the iron ore you can in the cities, and change this to gold, make gold rings and sell to finance filled soul gem shopping.

If you are level 19, i think it would take you about 5-6 levels of Enchant to level your character, this will so as an estimate I would expect you to max enchant around the 25-30 character level.
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Etta Hargrave
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