First off, I'd just like to say that I had the same problem with Zumbs Lockpicking Mod OBSE:
I fixed that the same way, but didn't expect the problem to return.
The problem is, in short:
1. I've installed a font replacer:
I'm using the font Kingthings Petrock Outline 25 for the dialouge. I really like the change it does. Looks nice I think and I've gotten quite attached to it

It requires (to work) the following line under fonts in the Oblivion.ini: sfontfile_2=Data\Fonts\Kingthings_Petrock_Outline_25.fnt
All that is fine. It has worked fine before. No problems. I've also installed another font for menus and I've had absolutely zero problems before and now related to that.
2. When I installed The Lost Spires (and Zumbs Lockpicking Mod OBSE before as well), a problem suddenly arose. My game crashed every time I started it. Instantly.
It took some time for me to figure out that this was because of the fonts. Exactly why, I have absolutely zero idea. Load order was correct and everything installed correctly.
When I uninstalled the font change mentioned above the game worked again. No crash. Problem is, I didn't want to play Oblivion without the font change. I liked it so much.
3. I found another solution, finally. The connection was apparently that The Lost Spires (and Zumbs Lockpicking Mod OBSE before as well) have BSAs. When unpacking the BSAs and installing the mod again (with all files unpacked normally) the game suddenly doesn't crash. Problem is, unpacking BSAs can make the data files very cluttered.
The mystery about all this is, however:
- Only happens for the font Kingthings Petrock Outline 25 for the dialouge, which works fine otherwise when these mods aren't installed. Works fine with other mods with BSAs. The other font change I have installed works fine as well.
- Uninstalling the above font change apparently stops the crash. No idea how they are related. And why and how this font change and these specific mods are related to each other.
- I've got several mods with BSAs installed. This has only happened so far with "The Lost Spires" and "Zumbs Lockpicking Mod OBSE". I've no idea why it hasn't happened with other mods with BSAs.
- My game isn't heavily modded and it works fine otherwise.
Can somebody solve this mystery? Why is this happening? How are all these things related to each other? So far I've unpacked the BSAs of both "The Lost Spires" and "Zumbs Lockpicking Mod OBSE" and installed the mods that way. Might get troublesome though in the future as the data files folder could get incredibly cluttered.
Help please