Why do you glue me to the ground?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:54 pm

Why is it that when I try to use my swords, daggers, or any hand-to-hand fighting, you glue me to the ground while I swing, and for another second or two after I have swung the weapon?

It is frustrating, the enemy is jumping all over, around me, swinging freely, yet I have my feet glued to the floor, can't jump, can't swing, can't defend... Yet I stopped swinging my weapon seconds prior to this paralyzing action.

Is this a glitch, or are we some-how robots that need to rewind our internal actions after swinging every time? I can do a power-swing, swinging like ten times fast... but a normal swing, takes me five times as long to execute the same number of swings? Seems backwards...

Please, unglue my feet from the ground. I just want to be able to duck, dodge, block, or swing again... Even the ability to turn around to face the assailant would be great!

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:28 pm

P.S. My feet also seem to be glued to the ground if I am next to anything... Can't seem to jump up onto a rock because my foot is touching a pebble, or my feet are stuck inside the slight angle of a railing... HELP!
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:24 am

Really? Whenever I swing my sword my guy loves running about everywhere and refuses to stay still.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:47 pm

Yeah, I don't know what you're on about there. PS3? 360? PC? Hell, I can circle strafe an enemy if I'm so inclined.
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James Hate
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:35 am

It works like that if you dual wield, you CAN'T move freely while swinging your weapons, not saying that they seem to have slightly smaller range then if you just hold one of them.

I have to say that Skyrim combat is an improvement if you compare it to pure numbers combat from Morrowind and less number based Oblivion, BUT it is still clunky, unresponsive and inconsistent.

You don't move fast enough, sprint eats too much stamina and your character is sluggish while responding to your input. While trying to circle a dragon most of the time I get stuck on his head, body parts and can't move smoothly, while fighting I trip on items and terrain my character should automatically jump over.
Don't forget the kill animations which look your character in place denying you a chance to dodge/block incoming blow and really limited mobility while dual wielding. Why ? It screams of in consistence in combat mechanics, one moment you can dodge another you can't.
There are minor issues which is really hard to avoid like when I fight a dragon, giant or anything bigger then me and I am usually forced to play in third person view as I can't see what my opponent is doing.

The combat in TES is still far from smooth, fully enjoyable experience. It is most likely too late for major changes in Skyrim, but I really hope BS will make it far better in the next instalment.
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