Starting a new character, Oenomaus aka. "Doctore" fr

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:39 pm

So, for anyone who has watched the show, what do you think should the skills be? How should he be played?
It's gonna be pretty heavily warrior based, but I was kinda hoping for a little twist to it so it doesn't get repetitive.

I was thinking of focusing heavily on stamina, moving lot in combat and using the slow time shout a lot :=).

Feed me some ideas!
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:14 am

Redguard (obviously), dual wielding swords, light armour?, able to do good power attacks yet like you say, moves around in combat. High health (he is a bit of a beast), but probably more stamina to use power attacks and sprinting, etc. A few shouts like unrelenting force, slow time, etc - more warrior type shouts not magic ones like fire, frotst, etc.

Never drink mead etc unless in celebration of someone's victory.

Good guy type character - hard in combat and stern, yet not unkind. Find a particular enemy to be your Theocales.

Take on a follower as a student, find a place to 'teach' warrior skills (or an NPC to 'work for')
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:00 pm

Duel wield, light armour. I see him as a very clever warrior though, and when the opportunity arises against a stronger enemy, can and will use sneak to be victorious.

All perks into one handed weapons and light armour.

Top show. RIP Andy Whitfield. :(
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Ian White
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:04 am

Duel wield, light armour. I see him as a very clever warrior though, and when the opportunity arises against a stronger enemy, can and will use sneak to be victorious.

All perks into one handed weapons and light armour.

Top show. RIP Andy Whitfield. :(

Indeed, probably would sneak to be victorious, unless it would dishonour him in that particular circumstance (e.g. if Umbra was in Skyrim he would never sneak attack him). Fine for dealing with scum though.

Agree - top show, and RIP Andy Whitfield.
Have yet to see Gods of the Arena - on my to do list.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:24 am

Indeed, probably would sneak to be victorious, unless it would dishonour him in that particular circumstance (e.g. if Umbra was in Skyrim he would never sneak attack him). Fine for dealing with scum though.

Agree - top show, and RIP Andy Whitfield.
Have yet to see Gods of the Arena - on my to do list.

Watch it. Just as enjoyable as S1. In certain aspects even more so, by Jupiters [censored]!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:39 am

by Jupiters [censored]!

We ended up making a drinking game with that phrase :P
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:26 am

We ended up making a drinking game with that phrase :P

There's more than one episode where you would have been off your face. :D
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:50 pm

Dual wield swords, light armour, acrobatics, athletics... Wait... Jupiter's [censored], it appears that Bethesda rammed [censored] in [censored]!
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:45 pm

Here he is!

I was wondering why everyone suggests dual wielding, anyone got a link where he swings with 2 swords? I only remember the ones where they use shields and swords and something about "against a stronger opponent, lead them to you, then counter".
I guess I could go either way, but considering that my thief character was a dual wielding sword guy, I will propably go for a shield.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:06 pm

Here he is!

I was wondering why everyone suggests dual wielding, anyone got a link where he swings with 2 swords? I only remember the ones where they use shields and swords and something about "against a stronger opponent, lead them to you, then counter".
I guess I could go either way, but considering that my thief character was a dual wielding sword guy, I will propably go for a shield.

Now that you mention it, I am having a hard time recalling when I saw Oenomaus dual wielding swords. Right now, the only scene that I can remember with certainty is when he's
kicking Crixus' and Spartacus' asses when training them to fight Theokeles.
I can't remember any scene however when he's using a shield. Unless perhaps during
the duel with the former doctore,
but I can't remember that with any certainty.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:15 pm <---- Now tell me who it looks like!

Decided to go with shield, it's so much fun. Also its a great way to put all that stamina Im focusing on to use. Nothing like going all "THIS IS SPARTA!" on some bandits and pushing them off the bridge in Valtheim Towers :D.
Adrenaline rush really feels like an adrenaline rush.

And there is a shield scene with Oenomaeus when he trains Grixus in Gods of the arena. Might just be because that was the lesson of the day, not how he actually fights.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:55 pm <---- Now tell me who it looks like!

Decided to go with shield, it's so much fun. Also its a great way to put all that stamina Im focusing on to use. Nothing like going all "THIS IS SPARTA!" on some bandits and pushing them off the bridge in Valtheim Towers :D.
Adrenaline rush really feels like an adrenaline rush.

And there is a shield scene with Oenomaeus when he trains Grixus in Gods of the arena. Might just be because that was the lesson of the day, not how he actually fights.

Haha that really looks like him. Wouldn't use the helm personally, the bald skull is such a characteristic feature :).

I remember the training scenes, I assumed it's like you say in the cursive part, so I didn't take those into account. But then again, the only scene where I can with absolute certainty remember him dual wielding swords is a training scene as well, so... :P
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Nany Smith
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:27 am

Nice character, got the face right :). If only the arena raiment from Oblivion was in Skyrim.

What did he use in the fight against Theokales? Do the flashbacks show his style, or just him getting cut up? Time to go rewatch that episode.

And yes, some episodes were...smashing.
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