My Perks at the moment are in Archery and Stealth only, but later on I might add points to Light Armor and One-handed.
I have a few Perks to spare, which I am saving for my next upgrades. My Archery is level 49 so once it's 50 I will get the next upgrades and my Stealth is level 67 so at level 70 I will get my upgrades.
The reason I'm asking if I should put points into Health is because I want to know if the game will get more difficult as I level and progress? I can't take on Dragons in the open because I get my butt kicked and even everything else kills me in a few hits. My health is at the base 100. Will adding points to Health actually help me or will it make no difference and I'll still die. I'm an assassin and my job is to kill and not get caught. So far I shoot at an enemy then run back and hide, wait for the enemy to forget about me and then I sneak back out and stealth hit again. Some enemies like Bandit Thugs or Dragons are extremely strong and take a lot of arrows to kill but as long as I am hidden I am safe. Dragons can spot me from a mile away at the moment so they're my biggest threat.
I'm using the Lord standing stone at the moment (50 points of damage resistance and 25% magic resistance) but I don't know if I should change or keep it. I'm wearing Light Armor (Leather) that I've found and a circlet of 15% Bow Damage. The braces are also +15% Bow Damage.
Another question is about the Nightingale armor. I've read that it's leveled gear and that I need to be a certain level for the best enchantments. I was wondering what level I should get the armor? I'm thinking it's 30+ but I haven't got a clue.
Thanks for all the help