Help with a crusader character

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:43 am

So I want to make a crusader who worships aedra and daedra or maybe just daedra. I need help with the following choices:
Race: Orc, dunmer, nord, imperial
I want an orc or dunmer because it would make sense for them to worship daedra and their powers are nice, especially dunmer, because it seems like every other enemy uses fire, so the resistance is nice. Nord mostly just for frost resistance. Imperial in case I just want a human crusader, if I go human, he might just be an aedra worshipper and be like a divine crusader.
Combat: Mace+Shield, Ax+Shield, Bound Sword+Shield, Bound Sword+Ward, Mace+Ward, Ax+Ward, Bow or no bow?
Basically for shield, do I want ward or shield and for weapon, do I want mace, ax or bound sword? I kind of wanted shield because I thought it looked fun in this game and a crusader would use like a kiteshield right? So if I do go shield, anyone know if it's possible to get a kiteshield? I don't want to know where or how, just if it's possible. I also don't want any magic beyond possibly bound sword or ward, so I won't really have range. I don't really want to be an archer, but I'm not sure I'll have a choice with no other range options.
Other notes: I will be playing on master difficulty for the first time, so I want to be able to survive, but I don't want a completely overpowered character. Also, this is kind of a role play, so my daedra worshipper respects the daedra's ways and limitations and takes them on himself. He cannot create anything, only change things that already exist. So no smithing or alchemy. He will never gather ingredients and cannot loot anything except animals he kills himself, boss bodies and boss chests. No lockpicking, so I was thinking maybe tower stone. No two-handed or much magic. He can use enchanting. He can take things fom the open, but only in dungeons and such and I suppose from the wilderness if there's anything., never from houses, stores, inns or other buildings, even if it's just taking. So his only items will be found on a boss, in an end chest, or bought. Imperial would come in handy here because of the no loot policy, so when I do loot, twice as much gold would be nice. I was also thinking, speech may pay off this time, but I'm scared to stray too far from combat perks.
Finally: Any other tips, suggestions, thoughts, questions, comments, concerns on this character? Any general tips for master difficulty that still fall within my character's guidelines?
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steve brewin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:11 am

Also, does this character sound interesting to anyone? Once I make it, I was considering doing one of those things where every day I post all of the character's adventures for the day and turn it into an entertaining story. So if anyone has any interest in that, let me know.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:44 pm

Sounds like a pretty awesome idea with the story.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:39 am

I would say do an Orc, b/c they're actually pretty common worshippers of Malacath. plush an orc in all orcish armor, wielding the mace of molag bal or an orcish battleaxe or something? Awesome.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:22 pm

Ok, so I was right about to pick orc and went with something completely unprecedented instead. I chose a Breton for the 25% resistance to magic, it helps. Also, I've decided conjuration is ok. As far as my story goes, well here:

Little Miss Sunshine the breton grew up in highrock. She went to sleep one night and the next thing she knew she was on a cart travelling with three nords she had never seen before. She can't remember much of her past except for that she grew up in highrock and her parents were politicians. She finds out that this cart she is on is on its way to an execution and she is scheduled for the chopping block. Panicking, she tries to summon her familiar to guide her to safety, only to find her hands are bound. She endures the rest of the ride listening to two of the nords. When she arrives, she is put on the chopping block, when a huge beast appears and knocks the executioner off his feet. Seeing this as her time to escape she follows one of the nords back to a tower and into a keep. The imperials, still trying to stop the two of them all fall to her and her mighty companions as she dons their heavy armor with an iron mace and shield. After escaping the keep, the nord tells LMS to go to a town called Riverwood where he has a sister who may be able to help. On her way to this Riverwood, she finds three mysterious stones, one with a rogue, one with a mage, and one with a warrior on it. She chooses the path of the warrior as she always has in the name of the mighty daedra and aedra. After becoming one with the warrior stone, LMS continues her journey to Riverwood, only to find next a mine with a bandit outside of it. Without warning, the bandit attacks her and after a drawn out duel, she slays him. She enters the mine only to find more bandits and she slays them as well, leaving their bodies in peace. She sees a chest, but it is locked and with no knowledge of lockpicking, as she does not break and enter or steal, she leaves it alone. She later finds another, but also leaves its riches in peace. Towards the back of the mine, LMS finds the leader of these bandits and after a mighty duel, sends him to his death. She takes what she can off of him and moves on. The mine however took much out of her and she had used all of her healing potions to survive. After leaving the mine, LMS finally travels to Riverwood and walks into the trader to sell some excess items. There she finds out about a mysterious golden claw and decides to investigate. When she arrives in the barrow, she is met by some bandits and after making short work of them, she delves deeper in. While she is walking next to these ancient nords, LMS hears a noise. She turns around to see a draugr coming at her, sword raised. She raises her shield to parry and quickly makes a counter hit. She finds the draugr can take much more punishment than the bandits and knows she will have many drawn out battles if any more appear. Looking around, she sees some oil on the ground and a lantern above. She knocks the lantern down causing an explosion and wall of flames between her and the draugr and as he charges her, he is burned to near death, she grants eternal rest to it with her mace. Scouting the area, LMS finds there are many traps around and decides to use them against the remaining draugr. She eventually comes across a mysterious door that has a symbol on it that looks just like the claw she got from the dunmer she saved from the giant spider, she nearly died multiple times during that fight and had to repeatedly take cover and eventually use a paralysis poison on her mace while her and her familiar attacked it unrelentlessly. After running from it when it was almost dead as she'd just been poisoned, she turned around to find her familiar had finished the job and she moved on after waiting an hour or so to recuperate from the fight. She sees the claw has three symbols on it and recognizes that she needs those symbols lined up before using the claw, she aligns them and moves through the door. She fights many mor draugr and finally arrives at a door leading even deeper into the barrow, but she has to best a restless draugr first. She leads the draugr all the way back through the barrows to multiple traps she attempts to activate until finally her and her familiar finish it off. She takes what she can from him and moves on. She finally arrives at a mysterious wall and starts hearing chanting. As she moves closer to it, she learns a word, "Fus". Suddenly, a draugr overlord bursts out and has a powerful greatsword that chills her to the bone when she's hit with it. After a drawn out fight for survival, she bests him and leaves the barrows. She is currently travelling the wilderness and discovering many new locations.

To be continued next time I play...
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Kara Payne
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:15 am

Here's what I say to everyone playing the noblest of characters.

Good is not about winning. Good is about being as right as you can be with what you know. It is about trying your hardest to do what you believe is right. Should, at the end of the day, those fair intentions turn into foul ends, you set to do better next time. What you do may not be popular. What you do might not make sense to others. You may only defeat one evil to have it replaced by an evil just as same or worse. But those are not your fault. You do what you can. And maybe drink a little too much out of the soul crushing despair of your failures. But you get up, you shake off that hangover, grab you sword, and you try again.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:50 am

Huh... I'd imagine a good game is so you don't have to use your imagination if anything impress it. If you care for Deadra weapons there are two I remember off the top of my head. Staff in Solitude talk to some crazy person and abandoned house in the dwarf place, pretty hard to miss seeing how there's only about 5 buildings.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:33 pm

I was going to give you some build advice but the wall of text in the fifth post destroyed me.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:38 pm

I always try and play the good guy. But I always wind joining the theives guild and the dark brotherhood for the quest rewards. It would feel better to me to go into their lairs and slay them all and take the rewards from a chest. That way I`m not the companions harbinger, arch mage, master thief and murderer.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:50 pm

He cannot create anything, only change things that already exist. So no smithing or alchemy.

Why no smithing? smithing can be used to improve weapons, or to paraphrase ¥ou, to "change things that already exist". You don't have to make stuff with it.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:56 pm

I always try and play the good guy. But I always wind joining the theives guild and the dark brotherhood for the quest rewards. It would feel better to me to go into their lairs and slay them all and take the rewards from a chest. That way I`m not the companions harbinger, arch mage, master thief and murderer.

You can actually do that with the DB. Here's how:

When Astrid abducts you after helping Aventus Arentino, kill Astrid instead of one of the other abductees to begin the quest "Destroying the Dark Brotherhood"

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:42 pm

This has inspired me to make a Templar tonight.

Imperial - Restoration, Alteration (for armor buffs etc), Shield and and One-Handed.

I will work for the good gods of Skyrim and do all I can to defeat anything he views as evil, even if it causes him to get a bounty. He will just submit for his crimes or pay the fines. (such as hearing about illegal things within the city like being asked to take care of the light house. On a separate note he may accept those sort of things to later kill the criminals after the crime has been done, not sure yet).
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:26 pm

Why no smithing? smithing can be used to improve weapons, or to paraphrase ¥ou, to "change things that already exist". You don't have to make stuff with it.

Good point, I may just let her improve weapons then, thanks.
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