Race: Orc, dunmer, nord, imperial
I want an orc or dunmer because it would make sense for them to worship daedra and their powers are nice, especially dunmer, because it seems like every other enemy uses fire, so the resistance is nice. Nord mostly just for frost resistance. Imperial in case I just want a human crusader, if I go human, he might just be an aedra worshipper and be like a divine crusader.
Combat: Mace+Shield, Ax+Shield, Bound Sword+Shield, Bound Sword+Ward, Mace+Ward, Ax+Ward, Bow or no bow?
Basically for shield, do I want ward or shield and for weapon, do I want mace, ax or bound sword? I kind of wanted shield because I thought it looked fun in this game and a crusader would use like a kiteshield right? So if I do go shield, anyone know if it's possible to get a kiteshield? I don't want to know where or how, just if it's possible. I also don't want any magic beyond possibly bound sword or ward, so I won't really have range. I don't really want to be an archer, but I'm not sure I'll have a choice with no other range options.
Other notes: I will be playing on master difficulty for the first time, so I want to be able to survive, but I don't want a completely overpowered character. Also, this is kind of a role play, so my daedra worshipper respects the daedra's ways and limitations and takes them on himself. He cannot create anything, only change things that already exist. So no smithing or alchemy. He will never gather ingredients and cannot loot anything except animals he kills himself, boss bodies and boss chests. No lockpicking, so I was thinking maybe tower stone. No two-handed or much magic. He can use enchanting. He can take things fom the open, but only in dungeons and such and I suppose from the wilderness if there's anything., never from houses, stores, inns or other buildings, even if it's just taking. So his only items will be found on a boss, in an end chest, or bought. Imperial would come in handy here because of the no loot policy, so when I do loot, twice as much gold would be nice. I was also thinking, speech may pay off this time, but I'm scared to stray too far from combat perks.
Finally: Any other tips, suggestions, thoughts, questions, comments, concerns on this character? Any general tips for master difficulty that still fall within my character's guidelines?