Thank you. I would never have found it!
Oh, well, since I'm at 4046/10000 for Desert Survivalist, I don't think that's going to happen. Stimpaks even worse, since I've been concentrating on healing with food. However, melee damage will be reachable, if I avoid the end game for a (fairly long) while: 7871/10000.
Take on higher-end enemies in light armor and you can end up doing a lot of healing. Alternatively, go Cazador hunting with no antivenom, you need quite a bit of food/stims to counter more than two applications of their poison.
It really does add up quickly, especially if you have a high Survival skill and make a lot of the better foodstuffs. At 100 skill some of them can heal almost 200 HP per use (I've seen 165 myself on a couple of them), and since you'll have over 300 HP you can get full use out of each one if you do it right.
does take a while at first since your skills are low and you cannot yet make the better items. My current character is only at 635 points from food at L12, however that's from only 3 or 4 fights and one of those accounted for almost half that total.