I really don't think there is a string of expletives that would complete the mountainous amount of disdain I feel for the performance of Old World Blues. Finally we have an interesting DLC that offers a fair share of content, and you can't even play it. What a crazy joke this is. I've never had any game suffer performance issues on my PS3 besides Fallout 3. And I don't think I've ever seen a console game lag, stop, freeze, and have to load as much as this one. Was this DLC developed in some Chinese back alley?
What does this tell you? :cryvaultboy:
It's sad really. It's just sad. I'm absolutely stupefied how this could even be allowed to be sold to customers. I'm going to try to complete it. I really am. But I don't know if I'm going to play Lonesome Road, even though I've already bought it. But I am definitely going to tell my friends who haven't bought these yet not to – because that's how business works, that's how a truly crappy product affects customer service, and this is the way your customers feel when no attempts are made to fix such an atrocious misstep in product development.
This DLC is just pathetic. :sadvaultboy: