Deity difficulty level

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:59 pm

First of all, I dont think that the Master difficulty is easy. I choose to play at this level because I like to be cautious, I like to explore step by step, knowing that behind the next door theres something that can kill me.

Also, Im not playing with the perfect build (I just spend the points where I like) and Im not exploiting the smithing / enchant trees.

That said, I do miss a harder difficulty level. One that is insanely high. Because, I dont like to be playing already on the max level one game that is very new to me. It should take weeks/months for me to be comfortable on the hardest mode. Dont get me wrong, I die a lot and sometimes I have to run for my life. But, the game is out for less than one month and I guess that in a couple of months I will be having no troubles at all on master. I would be a lot happier if I know that above the level Im playing theres another one or two levels waiting for me.

So, I think that a deity difficulty level (or whatever the name) would be welcome for everyone that want to play skyrim for months/years.

Im a big fan of the Civilization series and keep playing those games because they are so hard to master. Usually I can have fun on the average difficulty, but its the challenge of the higher levels that keep me playing for years.

I know that RPGs are not only about gameplay challenge, but theres no space for you "to live your hero" if theres no real challenge for your character to face. If we keep playing skyrim for more a couple months, there will be no challenge even on master for none of us. The only solution would be sabotage yourself (use only low level armor and weapons, for example). And thats a pretty weak option IMO.
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David Chambers
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