Coolest moment in Skyrim

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:16 pm

Just thought I'd share one of my little experiences that I thought was pretty nice. I'm lvl 43ish and was fighting a dragon which was one of the weaker ones so I was doing some decent dmg on it with my arrows which is what I'm specialized in and had thrown a Mark of Death (Lvl 2) on it. It was wandering the mountains when it started attacking so when it's health go so low that it wanted to land it had no place to go. It circled around a bit trying to find a spot, all the while I was flinging arrows, (I had plenty to waste) at it. One hit the spot and it's health was gone. It didn't go down immediately like I figured it would but spiraled out of control till it hit the ground which apparently used to be a village at one point, now it was just run-down ruins. When it hit the ground it skid like a plane on an emergency landing leaving a nice long skid mark in its path.
I thought it was neat to see. So even though I have been frustrated many times by the CTD and numerous quests being bugged, (3 quests in two hours being bugged was kinda overboard,) its nice to still be able to enjoy the game at moments like this.
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Tiff Clark
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