Adding & positioning new containers with placeatme

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:11 pm

OK, so I'm officially tired of not having storage options where I need them (and no CK to add them), so I've figured out how to add a chest with placeatme. That works well, but it's placed at a weird angle and not really where I'd like it to go. So, I would now like to be able to move it where I want it to go, and I need some help in doing so, lol.

I would like to use an existing object such as another crate to get a relative position and then move my new container to that spot, and then move it up so it's sitting on top of the crate. How can I determine the position of the crate, move my new container to that spot and then up so it's on top?

Also, are there any potential problems doing this? According to TESnip, the containers are named "noRespawn" so the form ID should give me a safe container. What about game bloat?

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Hella Beast
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:02 am

YES! I got it figured out! No more storage problems. I'm going to add some to Breezehome and Proudspire Manor and I'll post the positions in case anyone else wants to do this.
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Neko Jenny
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